Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 08/02/2024

A quick dive into the current EAfA Communities and how to join them

EAfA Communities are an important member-led tool for EAfA members to exchange knowledge, share best practices and build strong collaborations with each other around topics of common interest. The goal is simple but powerful: to strengthen the quality, supply and overall image of apprenticeships and promote the mobility of apprentices across Europe through a bottom-up, interactive approach. Here is a quick update on the four existing EAfA Communities and how to join them.

Current landscape of EAfA Communities 

EAfA Communities serve as a hub for sharing good practices and forming partnerships across an array of topics with the aim of bringing together existing and new EAfA members with similar interests with the shared goal to foster apprenticeship. 

Following their official launch during the get-together event held in Brussels in June 2023, four  Communities welcomed their new members. Driven by their respective Community Leads, the members have been setting common objectives and designing future activities together, in line with each Community’s defined priorities.  

Looking ahead to 2024, the focus of the four Communities will be on sharing knowledge among EAfA members through self-produced outputs and exchanging best practices, alongside planning regular thematic meetings with their members on relevant priority sub-topics.  

In addition to these common initiatives, the Communities are also implementing specific activities: 

  • The Community for Social Inclusion and Gender Equality, led by Fundació Catalana de l'Esplai, aims to produce a repository for social inclusion and gender equality best practices with the goal of promoting social integration within apprenticeship.  

  • The Community on the Role of Cities and Regions in fostering apprenticeship, led by the European Association of Regional & Local Authorities for Lifelong Learning, Fundación Bertelsmann, and the Metropolitan City of Rome, will conduct a mapping exercise on the role played by cities and local authorities in national apprenticeships and dual learning systems. 

  • The Community on the Learning Mobility of apprentices, led by Euro App Mobility, is focusing on enhancing the European dimension of apprenticeship mobility and engages in outreach and communication activities on this topic with current and prospective members. 

  • The Community on the Green and Digital Transition, led by ESB Networks, aims to explore the intersection of apprenticeships with the green and digital transition, focusing on sub-themes related to awareness, digital divide and required skills for the twin transition. The community will implement some short-term activities, such as sharing and accessing tools and materials for the implementation of the transition, alongside pursuing long-term goals such as the improvement of apprenticeship in the field of the green and digital transition. 

Get involved in the EAfA Communities 

Communities are exclusively accessible to EAfA members. Are you not yet part of the Alliance but are interested in joining a Community? Becoming a member is a simple process via the EAfA pledge application form. 

Current EAfA members can also express their interest in joining a specific Community by reaching out to EAfAmembers@ecorys.com. Kindly specify the Community(ies) you wish to be a part of, and the Apprenticeship Support Services will promptly notify the respective Community Leads of your interest. 

Additionally, EAfA members are warmly encouraged to take initiative by creating new Communities centred around topics close to their hearts. In 2024, a new call for Community proposals will be announced. Stay up to date by registering to the EAfA mailing list and checking the EAfA website for latest news

Join us in fostering vibrant EAfA Communities where your passions and interests can thrive!

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