Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 10/12/2021

Commission launches new digital skills test for users to understand their level of digital skills

The European Commission launches the new digital skills self-assessment tool to help learners and professionals understand their level of digital skills based on the digital competence framework.

A young woman working on a laptop in an office in Milan (Italy)

How does it work?

Users will have to complete a test by answering on the self-assessment tool a set of questions to get the result and a detailed assessment report, which they can download.

After completing the test, users will also be able to understand their skills gap and reflect on their need to upskill or reskill.

This tool is available on Europass and Digital skills and Jobs platform and users will have access to information that will help them to take the next step to boost their digital skills.

How are digital skills measured?

The digital skills self-assessment tool is a service that measures one’s abilities in various digital competence areas such as:

  • Information and data literacy,
  • Communication and collaboration,
  • Digital content creation,
  • Safety, and
  • Problem solving.

Europass and the digital skills test

Users accessing this test from the Europass platform will be guided to a learning roadmap.  This roadmap gives them a quick overview of areas to reskills or upskill in the context of concrete learning goals.

Europass users can then store their assessment results in their Europass library and use the certificate to present their digital skills level to potential employers or to education and training providers.

The assessment report will be automatically stored in the Europass skills page for registered Europass users.

Read the FAQ for more details.


Europass is a free set of digital tools to record your learning, achievements, experiences, skills and more.

You can create your free Europass profile to access other digital tools to reflect on your skills and interests, create and manage your job or course applications that will support you through every step of your learning and career path.

Europass also works in seamless connection with EURES, the job mobility portal providing a rich database of jobs from all across Europe.

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