Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

04/03/2021 - 05/03/2021 Online

High-level forum on individual learning accounts

The High-level forum on individual learning accounts (ILAs), held by the European Commission, will take place online on Thursday 4 and Friday 5 March 2021, from 09:30 to 12:30 CET.

The digital and green transitions and the post-COVID disruptions on the labour market create, destroy, or fundamentally change the skills requirements of many jobs. How can we ensure that no one is left without the necessary support to cope with these challenges and grasp opportunities? This 2-day conference is part of a broader stakeholder consultation process to investigate whether individual learning accounts can be useful tool to support the upskilling and reskilling of people on the labour market, and how a possible EU initiative could help. 

The event aims to

  • discuss lessons learned that have been identified in comparative research on past and current schemes providing individual entitlements
  • discuss concrete examples of related initiatives on the ground, showing the diversity of the approaches and stakeholders involved
  • facilitate in-depth discussion on particular design aspects and enabling factors for ILAs and link these to related EU policy actions (e.g. validation, CVET reform)

The forum aims to bring together stakeholders including social partners, industry and business, NGOs, education and training providers, national public authorities, international organisations and EU agencies, researchers and many more. 

After the new insights from high-level speakers and experts from the field, there will be space for your questions and comments. We are looking forward to a fruitful discussion on individual learning accounts!

Register to join the event.

Visit the event website for the latest agenda. For further information on the logistics of the events, please contact the organising team.

Please follow our Facebook and Twitter Social Europe accounts, where we will share insights from the event and future opportunities to join the discussion. 

Looking forward to hosting you at the event! 
04/03/2021- 05/03/2021

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