Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

05/11/2018 - 09/11/2018 Vienna

European Vocational Skills Week 2018

The European Vocational Skills Week 2018 will be taking place between 5-9 November in Vienna.

As in the previous years, the Week’s objective is to inspire people to discover and improve their talents through vocational education and training (VET).

During the Week, the Commission showcases high-quality initiatives that aim at equipping people with the skills they need in a fast-changing labour market.

You can also get involved in and register for one of the 1,000 additional events and activities taking place at national, regional, and local levels across Europe and beyond from 1 September 2018 through to the end of the year.

Organisations that would like to organise an event as part of the Week can register their event online.

During the main week in Vienna, a series of events and activities will also take place – including a press conference, conferences, workshops, visits, and an awards ceremony.

VET Excellence Awards

One of the highlights of European Vocational Skills Week 2018 will be the Awards for VET Excellence.

This year the awards ceremony will take place during the Closing event on 9 November 2018. The winners will be announced by Marianne Thyssen, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility.

Social media

Follow the discussion online with the hashtags #DiscoverYourTalent and #EUVocationalSkills.

Full album on Flickr
05/11/2018- 09/11/2018

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