Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

21/06/2018 - 22/06/2018 Rome

EAfA conference: Apprenticeships from School to Work - The Italian Case

The aim of this EAfA (European Alliance for Apprenticeships) conference is to discuss how to further improve apprenticeship systems in Europe with a particular focus on taking stock of the latest developments in Italy.

A European Alliance for Apprenticeships Event in cooperation with 2017 Award Winner Enel

The event is organised by Enel, EAFA award winning company in 2017, in cooperation with the European Commission. It includes a visit to the ENEL Technical and Digital Training Centre in L'Aquila.

Enel, Confindustria and the Italian Education Ministry will introduce the event, followed by a video message of the EU Commissioner Marianne Thyssen responsible for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. Two roundtables with EAfA companies and employer representatives, as well as Italian companies will explore the employers' perspective.

The European Apprentices Network members will meet Italian apprentices in a joint session to discuss the learners' perspective. Cedefop, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training in Europe, will also present the results of the thematic country review on apprenticeship in Italy.

There will be a social and cultural networking event hosted by the Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale, which is also a member of the EAfA.

Target audience

The plenary session on 21 June will attract some 300 participants, in particular from Italy, such as national and regional authorities, companies, social partners, youth organisations, Chambers and VET providers. 

A delegation of around 50 representatives from the European Alliance for Apprenticeships together with the European Apprentices Network, which gives a voice to young apprentices, will join the event.


The European Alliance for Apprenticeships was launched in 2013 to strengthen the supply, quality, image and mobility of apprenticeships. The Alliance is part of the EU's strategy to combat youth unemployment, as apprenticeships are a particularly effective form of work-based learning that eases the transition from education and training into work.

36 countries have made commitments on reforms and actions to strengthen apprenticeships, and 246 pledges have been signed by a wide range of stakeholders mobilising over 860.000 apprenticeships, training and first-job offers since 2013. Ten new members will join the Alliance at the event in Italy, offering more opportunities for young people across Europe. 

Since 2016 there have been annual awards, including for the EAfA, in the context of the European Vocational Skills Week.  In 2018, the 3rd European Vocational Skills Week will take place on 5-9 November in Vienna with the aim to promote excellence and attractiveness of vocational education and training.  

21/06/2018- 22/06/2018

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