Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

29/05/2018 Brussels

2018 Work Forum on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the EU and its Member States

The Work Forum on the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN Convention) is taking place in Brussels on 29 May.

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The Forum brings together representatives of those responsible for implementing and monitoring the UN Convention, both at EU and national level; these are Focal Points, Coordination Mechanisms and Monitoring Mechanisms. Civil society and disabled people's organisations also actively participate in the Work Forum.

The Work Forum aims at ensuring that the UN Convention is fully implemented across the EU. It allows to share experiences on its practical implementation and monitoring and to promote solutions to common challenges. It addresses substantive rights as well as governance matters. It is organised by the European Commission and takes place every year since 2010.

This year, the Work Forum will focus on:

  • Health, habilitation and rehabilitation in the CRPD
  • Knowing your rights: disability awareness and training programmes
  • The role of UNCRPD Committee

Registration for the conference can be made only upon invitation.

For any questions, please contact EMPL-RIGHTS-DISABILITIES@ec.europa.eu

Charlemagne Building, Alcide de Gasperi room, Rue de la Loi 170, 1040 Brussels - Brussels

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