Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Database of labour market practices

This database gathers practices in the field of employment submitted by European countries for the purposes of mutual learning. These practices have proven to be successful in the country concerned, according to its national administration. The European Commission does not have a position on the policies or measures mentioned in the database.

Belgium Work Experience Programme for Young People
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Original Title: WerkInleving voor Jongeren (WIJ)
Country: Belgium
Responsible body: VDAB (PES of Flanders), together with ESF Agency Flanders (ESF management authority)
Name(s) of other organisations involved (partners / sub-contractors): Flemish Ministry for Employment and Social Economy; Educational institutions; Public Social Welfare Centre (OCMW); Local employment departments; Employer organisations; Individual employers; Employment agencies (e.g. Randstad, Tempo-team and SBS); NGOs (e.g. Jes and Groep Intro)
Start Year of implementation: 2013
End Year of implementation: 2015
EU policy relevance:

The programme supports the Europe 2020 strategy and in particular the flagship initiatives “European platform against poverty and social Exclusion” and “An agenda for new skills and new jobs”. It aims to tackle youth unemployment and increase youth employability by supporting vulnerable young people into employment through ‘real life’ work experience.

Additionally, it is consistent with the Employment Guidelines and with several EU instruments, such as European Social Funds (ESF) activities to increase employment for disadvantaged young people.

National labour market context:

Despite the economic crisis, the Flemish labour market has demonstrated a positive development for unemployed young people. The share of the young jobseekers without a formal qualification decreased from 47% in October 2012 to 43% on the same time in 2013 (in October 2013 around 52.500 young people in Flanders were unemployed). Additionally, almost 90% of young people who leave school find a job within a year after graduation. More than half of the remaining 10% has no formal qualifications.

Obtaining qualifications through training and/or work experience increases young people’s employability and facilitates their transition into employment. For this reason the Flemish PES have aimed to support young jobseekers without qualifications and little prospect for employment by increasing their employability through work-based learning and skills improvement.

Policy area: Education and training systems, Labour market participation
Specific policy or labour market problem being addressed:

The main problem being addressed was the unemployment of young people without qualifications and with little prospects to enter the labour market.

Specifically, the WIJ Programme introduced a tailored ‘package’ to young people who had been unemployed for more than six months. In comparison to existing measures the WIJ programme consisted of a personalised approach with individual counselling, as well as the possibility for work experience in a real workplace setting.

Aims and objectives of the policy or measure:

The overall aim of the WIJ Programme was the integration of young vulnerable people into employment to prevent their long-term exclusion from the labour market.

Due to the young people’s obsolete skills and lack of motivation to enter the labour market, the programme aimed at improving their skills and enhancing their employability. The ultimate goal was to provide the participants with qualifications that could facilitate their transition into the labour market.

Main activities / actions underpinning the policy or measure:

The measure consisted of an integrated set of activities that supported the young person’s labour market integration. Activities included:

  • Group sessions with orientation and competence building;
  • Work experience in a real work place or training, for example through traineeships, vocational training or other federal measures such as the Instapstages Programme offering apprenticeships; and
  • Qualification/certification for the acquired skills. These could be awarded by an educational organisation, the participant’s mentor or the counsellor.
The activities were accompanied by intensive individual coaching, as well as follow-up/counselling during the first three months of employment.
Geographical scope of policy or measure: Regional
Target groups: Low-skilled people, People not in education, employment or training (NEETs), Young people (aged 16 to 25 years)
Outputs and outcomes of the policy or measure:

The programme quickly demonstrated success in terms of number of participants, as well as participants’ capability to plan their future careers. A survey amongst project partners showed that participants in the programme became more capable of taking informed decisions about their futures when attending the programme.

From 2013 to 2015 3.710 young people will participate in the programme. In October 2013 the number of participants in the programme amounted to 897 young people whose participation was facilitated by project partners. The youth pathways are all determined by the VDAB, and are then guided by the partners in the project.
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