ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens


A tool for creating, managing and analysing online surveys and public consultations

When is this solution for you? 

You would like to create and conduct multilingual online surveys or consultations with easy analysis of results.

What can we offer you? 

With the EUSurvey online portal or software, available for download on Joinup, we can provide you with a free, open source and easy-to-use tool for the creation and management of multilingual surveys and public consultations over the web. 

The web-based application makes it easy both for respondents to answer the questions and for survey managers to analyse the results.

The newest EUSurvey version 1.4.1 has been released in November 2017. This version introduces a new quiz survey type, has an improved editor and a dedicated reporting server for background tasks. 

Our solution at a glance 
Get started 
  1. Access EUSurvey online portal
    In order to start using EUSurvey, you simply need to log in with an EU Login account. Signing up to EU Login only takes a few minutes to complete.
  2. Download EUSurvey as open source software

Try the EUsurvey elearning training module.

Is this solution open source? 
Any questions? 

Check EUSurvey user documentation.

Ask for EUSurvey portal assistance or seek EUSurvey software support.

Contact the Interoperability Unit of DG Informatics (please use the subject line ‘EUSurvey’).

More detailed information 
Who is already using this solution? 


Barbara Nolan

"In DG EAC we manage Erasmus+, programme that has been changing lives and opening minds for 30 years. Since 2014, Erasmus+ uses EUSurvey tool to collect feedback from participants - over 1 million to date! With EUSurvey Erasmus+ participants who study, train, teach or volunteer have the unique opportunity to give opinion on their experience and provide suggestions on how it can be further improved - all that in their own language. Data collected through the EUSurvey are used by the beneficiaries of the programme such as Higher Education Institutions, schools, NGOs not only to monitor the impact of the programme but also to improve the quality of the programme. National Agencies and the European Commission also use this feedback to closely monitor the performance of the programme and the satisfaction of its users - more than 95% participants are satisfied with the programme and over 96% improved their language skills. Thanks to EUSurvey, we can further shape and develop the Erasmus+ programme to meet changing needs."


Tomás Filipe Ramalhete

Barbara Nolan, Head of unit B.4 - Erasmus+ Coordination, DG EAC, European Commission 

"EU Survey has allowed us to conduct surveys and consultations in an efficient and effective manner. In our efforts for synergies and efficiencies in DG HR's Directorate A, Organisational Development, we have used it from big consultations with thousands of respondents and dozens of questions, to small team surveys with only a couple of questions. The tool was crucial for big scales projects developed under our scope, such as the HR Modernisation project where we have not only used it for the collection of hundreds of expressions of interest, but also to benchmark the quality of our services with the staff members. EU Survey is a valuable tool that has spared us time and efforts."

Tomás Filipe Ramalhete, Unit A.2. Organisational Development Projects & Knowledge Management, DG HR, European Commission


Other users:

Key facts and figures 

In 2017, more than 7,800 surveys have been created with the tool, resulting in more than 2.7 million contributions.

EUSurvey is available in 23 EU languages.