ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens

Upcoming standardisation strategy – Have Your Say

The Legal Interoperability team would like to invite you to participate in the ongoing consultation on the roadmap for a new standardisation strategy until 9 August!

While technical by nature, standardisation is a highly strategic activity. In an increasingly competitive global environment, standardisation must support the EU's fundamental policy objectives, taking account of the European Green Deal, adapting the European single market to the digital age and improving innovation and the competitive position of EU industry – all while respecting EU values.

Standardisation is especially relevant for interoperability, this is why we invite all interoperability stakeholders to contribute to the ongoing consultation on the roadmap for a new standardisation strategy that is still open until 9 August 2021. The roadmap is setting out the main lines of the problem at stake and the objectives of the initiative. Do you find the needs of public administrations for interoperability and open standards well addressed? How should we work together in the future to come to standards that serve a value-based digitalisation of the EU?

Thank you for helping us to link the dots!

Thursday, 15 July, 2021