ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens

SEMIC 2020: Registration is open!

We are pleased to announce the opening of the registrations for the SEMIC 2020 ConferenceThe annual semantic interoperability conference will take place online on 15 October 2020.

The event, organised by the ISA² Programme of the European Commission in collaboration with the German Presidency of the Council of the EU, will bring together policy makers, IT practitioners and researchers interested in topics related to semantic interoperability for public administrations.

SEMIC 2020 on Sustainable data services will explore how over the last decade, administrations have set free data from isolated silos in the direction towards Linked and Open Data

SEMIC 2020 participants will have a chance to follow parallel sessions about cross-border data transfers between public administrations, data-centric design and how interoperability can help us exchange COVID19-related datasets across Member States. 

Please visit our SEMIC 2020 conference page for more details. 

For registration, click here.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Do you want to know more about the activities of the Semantic Interoperability Community? Visit the SEMIC page to learn how SEMIC is supporting public administrations in Europe in their digital transformation and what solutions we can offer to your organisation.

Stay tuned: #SEMIC2020 - @EU_ISA2

Thursday, 27 August, 2020