ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens

Report on Organisational Interoperability and Public Service Governance published. Participate in our survey!


On 14 March, the European Commission organised a workshop on Organisational Interoperability and Public Service Governance. The workshop aimed to gather information and exchange challenges and good practice in relation to the implementation of two concepts - Organisational Interoperability and Integrated Public Service Governance – which are both defined and described in the European Interoperability Framework. Better understanding and implementation of these concepts will ultimately help public administrations at all levels across Europe deliver more effective digital public services.

The workshop was organised in support of a study being conducted under the ISA² action: EIF Implementation and Governance Models. The workshop provided initial guidance and case studies on both organisational interoperability and integrated public service governance, however in order to build up a greater store of good practices in relation to them a survey is open until 10 May 2019. All stakeholders with knowledge (practical or theoretical) of digital public services are encouraged to respond to this survey to help build up knowledge on these concepts.

41 participants including representatives with direct experience in digital public services from EU countries, representatives of the European Commission, academia and civil society took part in the workshop. The final report provides an overview of the discussions and findings of the workshop.
Friday, 26 April, 2019