ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens

European competition for reusable IT solutions in public administration

New European Commission awards for administrations that share and reuse their IT solutions

In public administrations across Europe, countless IT solutions and services are in place that could often easily be reused by other public administrations. Reuse of successful existing software would stop continuous reinvention of the wheel and could help to save time and costs for users and administrations alike and increase interoperability between systems.

To promote the visibility of such solutions and to encourage their reuse, the European Commission has decided to single out the most used and successful ones in the public sector through the new EC Sharing and Reuse Awards.

Competition conditions

Winners will receive EUR 15 000 and EUR 10 000 in prize money respectively for IT solutions and services that meet the criteria in one of the four categories:

  • cross-border administrations
  • national administrations
  • regional administrations
  • local administrations.

Contenders that would like to participate in the competition for the 'Sharing & Reuse Award' can register their project here. The competition is open until 28 October 2016 and the prizes will be announced in March 2017.

‘We want to give awards to existing IT solutions that have been developed and successfully shared by public administrations, and that can be further reused across Europe’, says Margarida Abecasis, in charge of the ISA² programme, under whose auspices the awards are run. The ISA² programme of the European Commission promotes the modernisation of public administrations through more than 20 solutions that foster interoperability, sharing and reuse.

A valuable collection

Today, many reusable IT solutions are available. On the Joinup Portal, the European Commission maintains a large and easily searchable collection of such IT solutions, developed by Member States and the European institutions. ‘This award will put the best of these and other solutions and projects in the spotlight,’ Ms. Abecasis says. ‘We hope the prize money will help the winning public administrations to expand the project’s reach.’

Who can participate?

Only solutions developed by or for public administrations will qualify for the Sharing & Reuse Awards. If the solution has been developed by a private entity on behalf of a public administration, the reward will go to the public administration concerned.

The jury of the competition will include staff members working for the European Council, the European Commission and for the European Parliament.

For further information

Read more about the competition here.
Ask your questions here.

Monday, 11 July, 2016