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EU Datathon 2020: register for the final event by 10 October

EU Datathon 2020, the EU open data competition, has entered its final stage. 12 teams of developers are fine-tuning their applications for the final event on 15 October. The event is organised by the Publications Office of the European Union, this year in close collaboration with the Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy.

The event will be fully online and is open for registration until 10 October. 

This year´s edition of EU Datathon invited tech communities from the whole world to use EU open data to tackle four European Commission challenges.

Up for grabs is the prize money of EUR 100 000 and the Public Choice Award. In addition, the teams will increase their visibility: the final pitch of their work will take place on 15 October at the 18th European Week of Regions and Cities

Stay updated
To find out more, join or follow the event, visit the EU Datathon website or follow Twitter (@EU_opendata, @EUinmyRegion), with the hashtags #EUdatathon and #Ideas4EU.

Tuesday, 29 September, 2020