ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens

Call for participation: review of IMAPS specialisations

The IMAPS team has released a suite of specialisations, which allow public service owners to get insights on the legal (LIMAPS), organisational (OIMAPS), technical (TIMAPS) and semantic (SIMAPS) interoperability maturity of their digital public service.

The objective of this public consultation is to produce updated releases of the IMAPS specialisations, which will provide insights on specific interoperability viewpoints of the digital public service, i.e. the legal, organisational, technical and semantic interoperability viewpoints. Both IMAPS and its specialisations assess the various areas of a digital public service in terms of behavioural interoperability specifications, capabilities and manifestations. The update of the releases of the IMAPS specialisations will be based on change requests coming from stakeholders interested in the solutions.

Figure 1: IMAPS specialisations’ conceptual model

The current versions of the LIMAPS, OIMAPS, SIMAPS and TIMAPS questionnaires are available for public review as from 18th of January until 15th of February 2021.

Share your comments!

We kindly invite you to have a look at the current versions of the IMAPS specialisations and share your comments to help us improve the solutions for an optimal user experience.

You can find and download the related documentation from the IMAPS space on the GitHub platform and submit your comments creating issues in the respective repositories for LIMAPS, OIMAPS, SIMAPS and TIMAPS.

Next steps:

  • All comments received by 15 February EOB will be assessed and discussed.
  • The final versions of the IMAPS specialisations will be published by end of March 2021.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail IMAPS:

Thank you in advance for your contribution!

Tuesday, 19 January, 2021