ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens

Linking public administrations, businesses and citizens for more than 30 years, and more to come

Natalia Aristimuno Perez

Natalia Aristimuño Pérez, Head of Interoperability Unit, DG Informatics, European Commission

- Moving to a different city or a country and waiting for hours to register in the new neighbourhood? 
- Requesting hundreds of documents from your local town to be translated into a different language and taken to your new city hall? 

Join us on 29 November 2018 in Brussels to discuss how we are solving this out by linking public administrations, businesses and citizens at the ISA² Mid-Term Conference.

Bureaucracy has always been perceived as something tedious and hard to cope with. How many times have we said "I have to do paperwork tomorrow? So I will waste all the morning?" When bureaucracy jumped into digital, however, we all thought things would be easier. Nevertheless, once digital public services started to be in place, we noticed that digital bureaucracy is sometimes unbearable due to legal, organisational, semantic and technical barriers. 

To solve this, we started to work on the digitalisation of public administrations to link them with businesses and citizens. Our vision was a Europe in which every public administration, business and citizen are linked in just one click. Our mission was to find the way to connect every single public administration at local, regional and national level in the EU. 

This is how, with this vision and mission, back in the 90's, we started IDA, which would be followed by IDABC (2005-2010), ISA (2010-2015) and the current ISA² Programme (2016-2020). All these programmes had a clear focus on the need for a common and shared framework that ensures interoperability at all levels in the EU. This is how the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) was created in 2005, and reviewed in 2010 and 2017. The current version of the EIF was enshrined in the eGovernment Ministerial Declaration last year and considered as the roadmap for the digitalisation of public administrations. 

With these programmes, we have helped EU countries build digital public services over the last 30 years. A lot has been achieved, but even more needs to be done. This is why it is now the right moment to gather all of you at the ISA² Mid-Term Conference: Linking public administrations, businesses and citizens to discuss how to continue our support to boost digital public administrations in Europe. When? 29 November 2018. Where? Brussels, Belgium. Why? Because, it is better to work together. 

We will discuss what has been already achieved and present good practices and solutions. We also want to debate how to make the most of these achievements and what should the future of digital public administrations look like. The event will be opened by the EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, Mariya Gabriel.

So, if you are working in this field or a related area, join us on 29 November. The registration is now open.

More info about the programme 

The ISA² Programme, managed by the Interoperability Unit at the Directorate-General for Informatics (DIGIT) at the European Commission, is running from 2016 to 2020. With a budget of 131 million euros, we are guiding EU Member States in the implementation of the European Interoperability Framework. With observatories settled in each country (National Interoperability Framework Observatory), we monitor their performance in the digitalisation of their public administrations and provide support if needed. 

The average alignment of the EU countries to the EIF is 75%. This confirms the good performance at digitalising public administrations, although we are well aware that much more is yet to come to make every municipality and region in Europe interoperable. To succeed, we want to involve every single organisation working in digital public services. 

Through our annual work programmes, we are already implementing 53 actions in the 2018 work programme

Stay tuned for more info!




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Wednesday, 12 September, 2018