ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens

Gertrud Ingestad

  1. English
  2. English

Director-General, DG Informatics, European Commission

Gertrud Ingestad was born in Sweden in 1958. She studied languages and history and then worked as a language teacher in Stockholm before joining the European Commission in 1995. Her main domain at the Commission has been resources, with a specialisation on people-and organisation-related issues, in DGT and DG CONNECT, where she also started working with IT from a digitalisation perspective. In January 2014 she joined DG DIGIT as Director for Information Systems and Interoperability Solutions, now Digital Business Solutions.

Since 1 January 2016, she has been acting Director-General for the Directorate-General of Informatics (DIGIT) and as of 16 April 2016 Director-General. Her main driving force is constant improvement in collaboration.