ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens

2nd EIF workshop on Organisational Interoperability and Integrated Public Service Governance


The 2nd workshop on Organisational Interoperability and Integrated Public Service Governance, organised by the European Commission, DG DIGIT will take place on 2 October 2019, 9:30 to 16:00, in Brussels at COV2 25/SDR1 Covent Garden, Place C. Rogier 16. 

  • Are working on eGovernment?
  • Are you an academic with experience in the interoperability area?

If yes, in this workshop you will meet other experts from various EU countries and academia to learn and discuss further how the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) can improve organisational and governance aspects of digital public services. These aspects of interoperability are a crucial component of the successful delivery of digital public services. 

The workshop will present the findings of the ongoing study on the organisational interoperability and integrated public service governance aspects together with case studies on particular digital public services which provide insight into how they can be applied concretely. Several break-out sessions will be organised to provide participants with the opportunity to discuss and provide feedback on the findings and suggest areas for future research.

Check out the agenda and final report of our first EIF Workshop on Organisational Interoperability and Public Service Governance (14 March 2019).  

Limited places are available, so please register here by 18 September. If you have any particular questions, please contact

Wednesday, 2 October, 2019 - 11:30
Brussels, Belgium
ISA² organization