
  • Overall winner


    Aerospace, oil&gas and power generation industries are currently affected by huge (>500 billion) costs pertaining the development and production of their products and the construction of the plants. More than 10% of such costs pertains repairing operations. 4D Hybrid will provide a new concept of hybrid additive manufacturing based on the modular integration of compact and low cost modules, aiming to drastically reduce repairing costs while performing the same certified process in different places/phases of product lifecycle.

    Voting is closed. 6924 users have voted.
  • Category winner

    Oslo University Hospital

    Lumiblast provides a paradigm shift in non-invasively treating hard to access cancers (e.g. brain cancers) by generating light inside to cancer cells to activate photosensitive drugs, which will in turn generate toxic intermediates to destroy the cancer cells.

    Voting is closed. 481 users have voted.
  • Category winner

    Transilvania University of Brasov

    This solution implements a software framework for developing personalized medicine solutions based on homomorphically encrypted data and artificial intelligence (AI). The framework ensures that the data remains private, and the performance of the AI models is not affected by the encryption

    Voting is closed. 1378 users have voted.
  • Category winner

    Eyefree Assisting Communication

    EyeControl is the first wearable, screenless, assistive communication device. AI-powered eye-tracking technology enables locked-in individuals and ventilated patients -- who can't speak -- the ability to communicate using only eye movements, anywhere and anytime. Simple to use, the EyeControl improves quality of life for ALS, MS, stroke and other home care patients and helps ventilated hospital patients communicate directly with medical staff and family.

    Voting is closed. 4581 users have voted.


  • Finalist


    We connect people of all ages and backgrounds with art and through art. Modern media platforms offer their content for passive consumption and organize it by metadata, which can make large parts of it less accessible for people unfamiliar with the expressed traditions. We make it possible for people of any cultural background to actively engage with art using the universal language of embodiment, e.g. gestures or expressed emotions in dance and music.

    Voting is closed. 544 users have voted.
  • Finalist

    Space Structures

    Looking for an ultra-lighweight and dimensionally stable strut/rod to link two points? Our SpaceStrut is the solution: a fully integral carbon-fibre reinforced polymer strut/rod developed for demanding space - and terrestial - applications. Its advanced manufacturing approach eliminates the traditional laborious bonding processes and use of exotic materials for metal end fittings.

    Voting is closed. 489 users have voted.
  • Finalist

    Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation in University of Patras

    In the era of products personalization, EU production systems need to be able to adapt in the dynamic market demand easily and fast. LMS researchers in Greece came up with the innovative idea of introducing mobile cooperating robots, capable of perceiving their environment aiming towards increasing flexibility in the manufacturing environment. They are developing novel AI tools that enable the autonomy and intelligence of robot workers. These robots navigate in the shopfloor undertaking multiple operations while identifying humans to seamlessly interact with them.

    Voting is closed. 2983 users have voted.
  • Finalist

    Haiku Tech Europe

    HaikuTech has developed an AI-based system for 100% optical inspection of ceramic and polymeric substrates. The very effective system leads to a reduced production cost and a significant commercial advantage for solid state battery and fuel cell producers.

    Voting is closed. 656 users have voted.
  • Finalist

    University of Patras

    Using KneeMS physicians and engineers can investigate the hidden states of the lower limb, like joint reaction forces, using simple low-cost motion observations… in real time! Additionally, complex hypothesis validation and what-if scenarios in patient treatment and rehabilitation, including Augmented Reality interventions can follow using complex representations of hidden states (e.g. pressure distributions, FEM analysis, etc.)

    Voting is closed. 719 users have voted.
  • Finalist


    Feeding 10-15 billion people by the year 2100 is a tremendously challenging task that will only be met by the implementation of drastic measures to increase agricultural productivity. FutureAgriculture aims to change over the plant metabolism to overcome its natural inefficiencies and support higher photosynthetic rate and yield.

    Voting is closed. 517 users have voted.
  • Finalist


    The Branbox take-away packaging – developed and introduced to the market by Biotrem – made out of wheat bran, is a perfect and fully biodegradable solution for consumers and businesses looking for a replacement to packaging made out of plastic, by providing the same functionality and convenience, but without the negative impact on the environment.

    Voting is closed. 11076 users have voted.
  • Finalist

    Skeleton Technologies

    Skeleton Technologies is cooking an ultracapacitor industry revolution with 4X the power density and 3X energy density, which will save 30% and more in grid energy storage, automotive applications, public transport, industrial solutions, etc.

    Voting is closed. 804 users have voted.
  • Innovator

    Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy Of Athens

    CURE is developing innovative phage therapies capable of restoring a healthy respiratory microbiome and improving clinical outcomes in asthma. The CURE approach sets standards for accomplishing future European industrial leadership in the field of phage therapy.

    Voting is closed. 347 users have voted.
  • Innovator

    Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

    DIACAT is exploring a radically new technological approach to tackle of one of the greatest problems of our time: CO2 emissions. It uses diamond nanomaterials to reduce CO2 with the help of sunlight to valuable carbon compounds, which can either be used in the production of synthetic “zero-carbon” fuels or fine chemicals. DIACAT has delivered the proof-of-concept and will prepare the next steps for bringing this technology to the European market.

    Voting is closed. 859 users have voted.
  • Innovator

    Cybertronica UG (CYBRES)

    By measuring plant’s (electro-)physiology and available environmental parameters, a bio-hybrid system of plants and sensors – so-called phytosensors – can be used for a biological monitoring of “well-being” or “pathogenicity” of living or working environments, autonomous interactions with human users and other bio-hybrid plants.

    Voting is closed. 48 users have voted.
  • Innovator

    Mandat International

    Making interoperability, conformance and performance tests accessible online to everyone from everywhere with F-Interop: a platform of nline testing tools for the Internet of Things, from standardization to market penetration. It enables a larger group of stakeholder to contribute to and benefot from standardization.

    Voting is closed. 123 users have voted.
  • Innovator

    Universitaet Bern

    Taking pictures today rely on the same physical principles since the invention of photography two centuries ago. The Quantum Optics Laboratory at the University of Bern develops new methods of object reconstruction overcoming the limitation of classical imaging. They are based on correlations between photons, the particles of light and exploit new sensors capable of detecting each photon with high spatial and temporal resolution.

    Voting is closed. 112 users have voted.
  • Innovator

    University of Bordeaux

    How to design an innovative generation of emulsifiers to produce controlled and reliable stimuli-responsive nanocapsules for skin care applications? Funded by Horizon 2020, this was the PeptiCaps project aim. Emissary Cosmetics has taken up the challenge of bringing this innovation forward to personalized, safe and smart cosmetics.

    Voting is closed. 514 users have voted.
  • Innovator

    Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento (IST-ID)

    Contrasting with methods used for production of the low-quality graphene & derivatives available in the market, PEGASUS built up a novel technology that ensures the automated and continuous production of consistent batches of high-quality graphene derivatives for incorporation into quality-demanding applications. Our solution is simple to use, versatile and scalable, meeting the requirements of the most exigent graphene-enabled product developers.

    Voting is closed. 653 users have voted.
  • Innovator


    To revolutionize the Semiconductor industry with Graphene technology

    Voting is closed. 178 users have voted.
  • Innovator


    We are not an IoT platform! We rather provide “plug-n-play” for IoT platforms interoperability, facilitating the interconnection of heterogeneous IoT solutions.
    Not yet part of the INTER-IoT ecosystem? Develop an IoT platform interoperability bridge and join!

    Voting is closed. 142 users have voted.
  • Innovator

    Starlab Barcelona

    What is consciousness? Can it be measured? While humankind has struggled with these questions for millennia, our project will focus on more modest but nonetheless ambitious and related goals. Inspired by recent developments in neuroscience and the potential role of fundamental concepts such as information and complexity, we study, model, quantify, and alter observable aspects of consciousness through AI data analysis and brain stimulation.

    Voting is closed. 287 users have voted.
  • Innovator


    Our mission is to make musicality as common as literacy. Learning to play music used to be difficult for most people, but now every second of every day someone new from around the world starts playing an instrument with Yousician.

    Voting is closed. 134 users have voted.
  • Innovator

    Unparallel Innovation

    The ‘IoT Catalogue’ aims to be the whole-earth catalogue of the Internet of Things (IoT) - the one-stop-source for innovations, products, applications, solutions, etc. to help users (developers/integrators/advisors/end-users) to take the most advantage of the IoT for the benefit of society, businesses and individuals.

    Voting is closed. 523 users have voted.
  • Innovator

    Politecnico di Torino

    Politecnico di Torino has developed a reliable technology to extrapolate Hydrogen from the matter, and then use it easily. It is held on the Earth trapped in the matter, whether living or not, coming so to be at our complete disposal.

    Voting is closed. 328 users have voted.
  • Innovator

    University of Exeter

    Manufacture of the component parts of an energy-efficient, technological future is critically dependent upon mining for raw materials. The University of Exeter, through the project IMP@CT, is leading the way in developing adaptable whole systems solutions that produce an increasing diversity of commodities, by small-scale technological mining operations that are of benefit to both industry and society.

    Voting is closed. 1927 users have voted.
  • Innovator


    "Cystic Fibrosis is the most common life-threating autosomal inherited disease in Europe with currently over 35.000 cases; the majority of patients are children suffering from lifelong pancreatic insufficiency leading to maldigestion of foods and malabsorption: MyHappyPAT is a game app that promotes healthy lifestyle and nutrition combining patients’ empowerment and education"

    Voting is closed. 189 users have voted.
  • Innovator


    SUMMA integrates stream-based media processing tools (including speech recognition and machine translation) with deep language understanding capabilities (including named entity relation extraction and semantic parsing), for open-source applications and implemented in use cases at the BBC and Deutsche Welle.

    Voting is closed. 81 users have voted.
  • Innovator


    Seagate has developed a storage system capable of working with different types of storage device technologies, including new and emerging ones such as Non Volatile Memories. It is capable of storing data with the required performance, resiliency and data management characteristics for the next generation of data generating use cases.

    Voting is closed. 48 users have voted.
  • Innovator


    Our vision is to make Europe independent from fossil fuels, especially oil and natural gas. Our willpower-energy system empowers everybody to produce his own fuel at home from surrounding resources: CO2, water, and electricity.

    Voting is closed. 364 users have voted.
  • Innovator

    Chalmers University of Technology

    In this project we want to lay the technological foundations for a topological insulator-based device that can realize the SI Ampere. An accurate charge pump that can operate at temperatures and magnetic fields achievable using affordable table-top systems would be of immediate use in the realization of the Ampere.

    Voting is closed. 2100 users have voted.
  • Innovator

    INESC Microsistemas e Nanotecnologias

    Nanotechnology is now a reality delivering innovative solutions to the global society. The healthcare sector can be advanced to another level of precision, efficiency and promptness by profiting from nano-materials. In this context, Magnamed is offering hybrid magnetic nano-structures to empower clinicians and clinical practices with new diagnostics and therapy tools.

    Voting is closed. 1034 users have voted.
