Eurostat is committed to providing data that improves the understanding of equality in the EU. The updated thematic section on equality and non-discrimination allows users to explore various indicators disaggregated by key equality dimensions.

These statistics help identify disparities and recognise areas where specific groups may face disadvantages. The thematic section combines data from various statistical collections, presenting a comprehensive resource for exploration and analysis.

Available socio-economic indicators cover demography, education, labour market participation and earnings, income and living conditions, health, access to services and participation in society. Additionally, the section includes the indicators related to the experience of discrimination and personal security.

The European Commission has put equality at the heart of its agenda, aiming to build a Union of Equality free from discrimination. The main grounds for protection under EU treaties and legislation are sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age, and sexual orientation. In addition, reducing inequalities and vulnerabilities that leave people behind are guiding principles for the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

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