Latest news

Find out how innnovations in food products using pulses, such as ‘pulled oat’ or faba bean yoghurt, combined with research results, mean that growing legume crops is becoming more competitive.Read more
Read the fact sheet and the final report and discover ways to increase water availability for crops and livestock, and improve efficient use of water and farm resilience when there is a lack of water.Read more
Experts for three new Focus Groups have been selectedRead more
FERTINNOWA thematic network is organising a workshop on the practical management of irrigation and fertigation in horticultural production.Read more
CAPSELLA is a Horizon 2020 project developing novel ICT solutions tailored to the needs and requirements of farmers’ communities and networks and other actors engaged in agrobiodiversity.Read more
The EIP-AGRI brochure ‘Funding opportunities under Horizon 2020’ has just been updated with information on the 2017 calls.Read more
Read the report from the EIP-AGRI seminar on data revolution to find out how data-driven business models can contribute to the agri-food sector.Read more
The European Commission is organising this event to explore what is needed to transform and future-proof our food systems so that they can provide accessible, healthy and sustainable food for all.Read more
5-6 September 2016 sees the major European conference on rural development return to Cork, Republic of Ireland.Read more
To demonstrate the innovation potential of the organic food and farming community, TP Organics (a European Technology Platform), launches a call challenging farmers, researchers and agri-business...Read more
The final paper on a strategic approach to EU agricultural research & innovation is available onlineRead more
The EIP-AGRI Focus Group on fertiliser efficiency in horticulture has now published its final reportRead more
Following long-term cooperation between dairy farms and researchers in Slovakia, a new user-friendly decision support tool for dairy farm management has been developed.Read more
Farmers from the valley of Wipptal in northern Italy found their dairy cattle were producing an excess of slurries whilst vineyards in the region wanted to replace artificial fertilisers with natural fertilisers...Read more
The EU-funded project ‘EU-PLF: Bright Farm by Precision Livestock Farming’ is holding its closing conference on September 29 2016 in Brussels.Read more
The Pesticide Action Network Europe has published a booklet presenting practical examples of Integrated Pest Management in different crops all over EuropeRead more
The PROVIDE project funded under H2020 aims to develop a conceptual basis, tools and improved policy options to support the ‘smart’ provision of public goods by EU agriculture and forestry ecosystems.Read more
New publication “30 projects for competitive and environmentally friendly farming” outlines the needs for research/practice projects in a number of different agricultural areas.Read more
Thematic Network: developing and sharing innovations that support farming systems in areas of exceptional natural valuesRead more
Info Week on Horizon 2020‘s Societal Challenge 2, find out who was there and what was presented.Read more
12 milk vans in Czech Republic pull in at over 1750 stations to sell to 15000 consumers weekly. The vans have loudspeakers and a “moooo” sound announces their arrival!Read more
Social networks are becoming more and more popular, but did you know that you can even use them to order local, fresh fruit and vegetables? In Finland you can! Watch the videoRead more
ICT and sensor based technologies now mean there is a lot of data collected throughout the whole supply chain. See results from EIP-AGRI seminar on this issueRead more
Soil organic matter, the organic component of soil, has many benefits for agricultural production. Download the new EIP-AGRI brochure ‘Soil organic matter matters’.Read more
Innovators seeking to introduce a circular economy-related product or service to the market can apply to participate in a new pilot scheme by setting out the regulatory obstacles they are struggling to overcomeRead more
The call for experts for three new EIP-AGRI Focus Groups is now closedRead more
EuroDairy is a new H2020 Thematic Network to connect dairy farmers wishing to improve the economic, social and environmental performance of their farms, and to provide a more sustainable future for their familiesRead more
Find out what happened, download presentations and watch the videosRead more
A congress entitled ‘Opportunities for European Agriculture: Green Growth and Dynamic Markets’ will look at how best to invest to deliver a sustainable European agriculture sector in the futureRead more
Have your say on the strategy, scope, objectives, and expected impacts of the Horizon 2020Read more
Recordings from the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 2 Info Week are onlineRead more
Portuguese farmer has developed a new land and soil management strategy for Mediterranean soil and climatic conditions - improving soil fertility, water and land productivity and the efficiency of external inputsRead more
New, innovative ways of obtaining real time feedback on irrigation management are currently being developed including digitally connected fruit measuring tools and online precise irrigation-scheduling algorithmsRead more
On Thursday 2 June 2016, the Subgroup on Innovation for agricultural productivity and sustainability met for the fifth timeRead more
Have you made a documentary dealing with agriculture or rural development, showing innovative solutions or research put into practice?Read more
FERTINNOWA is a thematic network funded under Horizon 2020 dealing with innovative water management in fertigated cropsRead more
Prizes for innovative projects to protect bees and other pollinators in the farmed environment.Read more
Don’t forget that the Info Week for Horizon 2020’s Societal Challenge 2 for the 2017 calls will take place on 27-29 June 2016.Read more
Are you involved in agroforestry, dairy farming or tending vineyards and would you like to work with 19 other experts from different European countries? Then please apply to the new Focus Group call!Read more
Are you interested in sharing your views about the EIP-AGRI and the EIP network? Survey available in EN, DE, FR, IT, PL, ES.Read more
From 26-28 January 2016, the European Commission hosted a large conference to discuss a long-term strategy for agricultural research and innovation. The outcomes are now available online.Read more
Horizon 2020 Info Week on Societal Challenge 2 will take place 27-29 June 2016. Register now!Read more
Farming Connect has opened a call in search for focused and ambitious farmers or foresters keen to enhance their business competitiveness and viabilityRead more
2 new EIP-AGRI Focus Groups launched, and 3 new calls soon to be announced.Read more
Read an interview with Rositsa Djambazova who works for a business incubator which provides support to new entrants into farming in Bulgaria.Read more
The EIP-AGRI has published a new brochure ‘Thematic Networks under Horizon 2020 - compiling knowledge ready for practice’.Read more
New entrants into farming refers to new farmers who start an agricultural activity without previous farming background. They have been recognised as important to the vitality and competitiveness of rural...Read more
You have until 13 May to reply to the call for interest for the EIP-AGRI Workshop on ‘New value chains from multifunctional forests’Read more
CommBeBiz, H2020 project, targets five specialist bioeconomy segments: Food, Agriculture, Marine, Forestry, and Biotechnology.Read more
Read the new biosecurity factsheet and press article on biosecurity.Read more
