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This site has been archived on 01.11.2014

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Impact assessments and evaluations

The European Commission and DG Internal Market and Services in particular are committed to increasing the role impact assessment and evaluation play in improving law-making in the EU and making administration more efficient. The existing system for evaluation of expenditure programmes has gradually been extended to cover non-spending areas, such as legislative and regulatory activities and policies. The Better Regulation package adopted by the Commission in June 2002 complemented these ambitions by establishing impact assessment as a tool to improve the quality and coherence of the policy development process.

Evaluation and impact assessment are organised in a decentralised way in the Commission. Directorates General and Services are responsible for implementing the respective functions and activities. Yet, Commission-wide networks have been set up to co-ordinate activities on Commission level. They are organised by central units in DG Budget and in the Secretariat General for evaluation and impact assessment, respectively.

Work programme

The multi-annual evaluation programme contains information on evaluations and impact assessments planned for the years ahead.

While the work programme for the current year is rather definitive, it should be noted that the programme for future years is more of an indicative nature, as new proposals might emerge or some of those currently scheduled might be postponed or even dropped.