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Dobrodošli. Ime mi je Janez Potočnik in sem evropski komisar za okolje. Enega največjih izzivov, s katerimi se soočamo, predstavlja iskanje načinov, kako zagotoviti zdravo in čisto okolje za prihodnost. Upam, da vam bo ta spletna stran predstavila, kaj delamo, da bi našli odgovore na ta izziv.


29/10/2014: "A last message"

As my term of office at the European Commission comes to an end I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of you for your support during these past five years.

During my mandate I have focused on policies that will contribute to preserving our natural heritage while at the same time help provide growth opportunities and create jobs. Despite the many difficulties due to the economic and political fragility that have marked the world and the EU in these past years, we succeeded in keeping environment high on the political agenda.

I am confident that my successor will continue to promote policy-making that addresses the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. I cannot imagine that we would in the future protect the environment without changing some of the basics of our economic behaviour and, on the other hand, I cannot imagine that we would in the future talk about economic growth and jobs ignoring that we live in a finite world.

24/10/2014: Na izbor za nagrado za zeleno prestolnico Evrope za leto 2017 prijavljenih dvanajst mest

17/10/2014: Statement by Janez Potočnik, European Commissioner for Environment, on the outcome of Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP12)

22/10/2014: "Environmental protection best served through market instruments", Potočnik advises next Commission

13 October 2014: Potočnik to successor: “Vella will need to fight for environment”, interview in viEUws – the EU Policy Broadcaster

16/10/2014: Commission urges Malta to refrain from finch trapping

16/10/2014: European Commission urges Italy to address severe pollution issues at Europe's biggest steel plant

16/10/2014: Commission takes Romania to Court over toxic tailing pond

16/10/2014: Commission takes Poland to Court over failings in end-of-life vehicles legislation

16/10/2014: European Commission takes Portugal back to Court for inadequate waste water treatment, asks for fines

16/10/2014: Commission takes the Netherlands to court over failure to protect animals used for scientific purposes, asks for fines

16/10/2014: "Nature based solutions are often also the cheapest solutions"

10/10/2014: "We need to escape the handcuffs of GDP"

29/09/2014: Commission consults the public on criteria to identify Endocrine Disruptors

29/09/2014: Commission welcomes the Council's adoption of the Invasive Alien Species Regulation

25/09/2014: European Commission asks Court to fine Greece for inadequate management of hazardous waste

23/09/2014: 35 years of cooperation to protect wild birds in Europe

22/09/2014: 17 companies nominated for the 2014 European Business Awards for the Environment

16/09/2014: "Our streets, our choice" – EU launches 2014 European Mobility Week

08/09/2014: Skoraj vsi Evropejci pravijo, da jim varstvo okolja veliko pomeni

Tri leta po zadnji podobni raziskavi Eurobarometer je jasno, da Evropejci kljub gospodarski krizi varstvu okolja dajejo enak pomen. Izmed 28 000 vprašanih je velika večina, kar 95 %, izjavila, da jim varstvo okolja osebno veliko pomeni. Poleg tega so mnogi menili, da je na tem področju mogoče storiti še več.

04/09/2014: “The growth path we are following is not the right one”

Speech by Janez Potočnik, Commissioner for the Environment, Meeting with the Environment Committee of the European Parliament, Brussels

26/08/2014: Presentation at the 14th Congress of European Association of Agricultural Economists in Ljubljana

19/08/2014: Mercury – Have your say on the EU implementation of the Minamata Convention

The European Commission has launched an on-line consultation on issues related to the ratification and implementation by the EU of the Minamata Convention on mercury. The Convention was signed in October 2013. At that time, it was the 1st international environmental agreement concluded in a decade. It is a global treaty that aims to protect human health and the environment from the adverse effects of mercury, and aims to phase out many of its current uses.

05/08/2014: Water re-use in Europe – what do you think?

Water re-use is not widespread in Europe. Most wastewater from urban treatment plants is simply flushed out into rivers and lakes. But increasing re-use would help us respond to the increasing problems of water scarcity and drought, while reducing the risk of contamination from wastewater and lowering treatment costs. Re-use of water also has a lower environmental impact than getting it from other sources such as inter-regional water transfers or desalination.

10/07/2014: Joint statement on the Ministerial Declaration of the High Level Political Forum

10/07/2014: Commission urges Italy to ensure that water intended for human consumption is healthy and clean

The European Commission is opening infringement proceedings against Italy for its failure to ensure that water intended for human consumption meets European standards. Water contamination from arsenic and fluoride is a long-standing problem in Italy, and for the Latium Region in particular.

10/07/2014: Commission takes Portugal to Court over waste water treatment

The European Commission is taking Portugal to Court for its failure to ensure that waste water from small agglomerations is properly treated. The lack of adequate collection and treatment systems, required by EU legislation for small agglomerations since 2005, poses risks to human health and to inland waters and the marine environment.

10/07/2014: Commission takes Spain to Court over non-compliant landfills and high-speed rail link

The European Commission is taking Spain to Court for two (unrelated) breaches of environment legislation. The first concerns poor waste management: despite earlier warnings from the Commission, numerous Spanish landfills are still operating in breach of EU landfill legislation. The second case contains a planned rail link between Seville and Almeria, for which no adequate environmental impact assessment was carried out.

02/07/2014: Speaking points by Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik on Circular Economy

02/07/2014: živeti in delati v boljših stavbah

Danes je Komisija sprejela nove predloge, katerih cilj je zmanjšanje vpliva novih in obnovljenih stavb na okolje s povečanjem učinkovite uporabe virov in izboljšanjem razpoložljivih informacij o okoljski učinkovitosti stavb.

02/07/2014: višji cilji glede recikliranja odpadkov za hitrejši prehod na krožno gospodarstvo z novimi delovnimi mesti in trajnostno rastjo

Komisija je danes sprejela predloge, s katerimi želi Evropo preoblikovati v bolj krožno gospodarstvo in v državah članicah pospešiti recikliranje odpadkov. Z uresničitvijo novih ciljev glede odpadkov bi nastalo 580 000 novih delovnih mest v primerjavi s sedanjim stanjem, obenem pa bi Evropa postala konkurenčnejša, njene potrebe po dragih redkih virih pa bi se zmanjšale. Poleg tega bi z izvajanjem predlogov zmanjšali učinke na okolje in emisije toplogrednih plinov. V skladu z načrtovanimi ukrepi so Evropejci pozvani, da do leta 2030 reciklirajo 70 % komunalnih odpadkov in 80 % odpadne embalaže, od leta 2025 naprej pa bi bilo odpadke, ki se lahko reciklirajo, prepovedano odlagati na odlagališčih. Vključena sta tudi cilja za zmanjšanje morskih odpadkov in odpadne hrane.

02/07/2014: Questions and answers on sustainable buildings

02/07/2014: Questions and answers on the Commission Communication "Towards a Circular Economy" and the Waste Targets Review

30/06/2014: European Commission welcomes Outcome of first ever UN Environment Assembly

The first session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA), hosted by the Nairobi-based United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) last week concluded late Friday evening with 16 decisions and resolutions and a Ministerial Outcome Document to encourage international action on major environmental issues. More than 1,200 high-level participants from 160 countries, including Environment Ministers, UN officials, diplomatic and civil society delegations, participated in this historic first session of the UNEA, held under the theme “A Life of Dignity for All.”

30/06/2014: 80 per cent of Europeans want their country to waste less

According to a new survey, most European citizens think their own country is generating too much waste. The survey on the "Attitudes of Europeans towards Waste Management and Resource Efficiency" indicates that 96 % of respondents say it is important for them that Europe uses its resources more efficiently: 68 % say this is very important for them, and just 3 % of respondents say this issue is not important. Across the EU, nine out of ten respondents now sort paper/cardboard/beverage cartons (90 %), plastics (90%) and glass (88 %), at least occasionally, while three quarters sort household hazardous waste (79 %), metal cans (78 %), electrical waste (76 %) and kitchen waste (74 %). There are, however, major differences between Member States, with replies ranging from 99 % (paper in Austria) to 28 % (hazardous waste in Romania).

25/06/2014: Za projektne predloge v letu 2014 na voljo 239 milijonov evrov

Evropska komisija je objavila prvi razpis za zbiranje predlogov v okviru programa LIFE za financiranje projektov, namenjenih okolju. Podprogram za okolje v okviru programa LIFE bo v letu 2014 zagotovil 238,86 milijona evrov za razvoj in izvajanje inovativnih načinov za spopadanje z okoljskimi izzivi v Evropi, pri čemer bo v ospredju ohranjanje narave in biotske raznovrstnosti, učinkovita raba virov ter okoljsko upravljanje in obveščanje.

25/06/2014: "Green capitals – spreading the green message"

Speech by Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik, European Green Capital Award ceremony, Copenhagen.

24/06/2014: Ljubljana – zelena prestolnica Evrope 2016

Našemu glavnemu mestu Ljubljani je pripadel naslov zelene prestolnice Evrope leta 2016. Nagrado je danes popoldne na slovesnosti v Københavnu, zeleni prestolnici Evrope leta 2014, podelil evropski komisar za okolje Janez Potočnik. Ljubljana je priznanje prejela za dvig okoljske ozaveščenosti med prebivalci, za strategijo trajnostnega razvoja „Vizija Ljubljane 2025“, izvajanje vrste zelenih ukrepov v mestu v zadnjem desetletju in izjemno razvito prometno omrežje.

23/06/2014: Komisija želi izvedeti mnenje državljanov o pitni vodi v Evropi

Evropska komisija je danes uvedla javno posvetovanje o politiki EU glede pitne vode, da bi ugotovila, katere vidike bi lahko izboljšala. Posvetovanje je konkreten odgovor na prvo uspešno evropsko državljansko pobudo Right2Water (Pravica do vode).

20/06/2014: Joint statement by European Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs and Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik on the joint declaration of ACP-EU countries on the development agenda beyond 2015

19/06/2014: 'They ain't making it any more': managing our land sustainably'

Speech by Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik, Conference 'Land as a resource', Brussels.

14/06/2014: "ZOTKINI TALENTI"

Govor na prireditvi “ZOTKINI TALENTI”, slovesni razglasitvi rezultatov državnih tekmovanj iz znanja in srečanj v organizaciji Zveze za tehnično kulturo Slovenije (ZOTKS).

10/06/2014: Commission launches new platform to help resolve social conflicts over large carnivores

Europe's brown bear, wolf, wolverine, lynx – at least one of these species can now be found in 21 EU Member States. After a lengthy period of decline their numbers are growing once more, but coexistence with man can be problematic. In an effort to solve the social and economic problems that sometimes result from this new expansion, the European Commission has launched a platform where farmers, conservationists, hunters, landowners and scientists can exchange ideas and best practices on sharing the same land with large carnivores.

10/06/2014: Questions and answers on access and benefit-sharing

10/06/2014: "Learning to live with the wolf"

Speech by Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik, Launch of EU Platform on co-existence between people and large carnivores, Brussels.

06/06/2014: Halting biodiversity loss – the EU no net loss initiative

The European Commission has published an on-line consultation to seek the public's views on a future EU initiative to halt biodiversity loss. Biodiversity – the natural world that surrounds us – is in decline around the world, often as a result of human activities. Even when efforts are made to minimize such damage, there is often a residual impact. If we are to stop the decline, losses resulting from human activities must be balanced by gains: when gains are at least equivalent to the losses, the principle of "No Net Loss" is respected.

06/06/2014: "Changing mindsets"

Speech by Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik, Green Week Closing Speech, Brussels.

05/06/2014: World Environment Day

Statement by Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik on the World Environment Day

04/06/2014: "Virtuous Circles"

Speech by Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik, Opening session of Green Week 2014, Brussels.

03/06/2014: “Potrebujemo novo revolucijo”

Govor na dogodku “Nov pristop do okoljevarstva”, Bruselj.

02/06/2014: Environment: It's the Ecology, Stupid

Europe's largest environment conference – Green Week – will wade into the economic debate this year. Under the banner “Circular economy – saving resources, creating jobs” the 3000 participants will discuss how Europe must move from its current linear economic model towards a more circular one.

02/06/2014: Komisija predstavila predlog za odpravljanje svetovne revščine in spodbujanje trajnostnega razvoja

Evropska komisija je danes sprejela sporočilo, ki bo prispevalo k oblikovanju stališča EU v mednarodnih pogajanjih o ciljih trajnostnega razvoja, ki bodo nasledili razvojne cilje tisočletja.

27/05/2014: Odlična kakovost vode na večini evropskih kopališč

Voda na evropskih plažah, v rekah in jezerih je bila v letu 2013 na splošno visoke kakovosti, pri čemer več kot 95 % teh kopališč izpolnjuje minimalne zahteve. Iz podatkov je razvidno, da je bila kakovost obalnih kopalnih voda nekoliko boljša od celinskih.

26/05/2014: "Fewer forests in our cars"

Speech by Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik, Conference on the challenges of deforestation and forest degradation in the context of climate change, development and biodiversity loss, Brussels.

22/05/2014: Razglašeni prvi dobitniki nagrad Natura 2000

Na sinočnji slovesnosti v Bruslju so bili razglašeni dobitniki prvih nagrad Natura 2000. Priznanja je zmagovalcem podelil evropski komisar za okolje Janez Potočnik skupaj s člani žirije.