Commissioner Damanaki meets Somalian President, Mr Hasan Sheikh Mohamoud

Commissioner Damanaki has met today with the President of Somalia, H.E Mr Hasan Sheikh Mohamoud. The President was accompanied by H.E Mr Abdirahman Dualeh BEILEH, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Mr. Hussein Abdi HALANE Minister for Finance, Mr Said Abdullahi MOHAMED, Minister for Planning as well as Mr Mohamed Olow BARROW,  Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources. The meeting was held in the margins of the EU-Africa Summit taking place in Brussels.

It focused on the management and the governance of fisheries in Somalia as well as on fight against piracy. Somalia has an estimated coastline of 3333km legnth and is considered as the longest coastline of Africa. The potential for fisheries is considerable though currently untapped.

Last update: 03/04/2014 |  Top