Meeting with Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras

Commissioner Damanaki met with Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras in Athens to discuss the progress made on the Greek Economic Adjustment Program and the upcoming Greek Presidency of the European Council in the first semester 2014.

After the meeting, the Commissioner made the following statement: "In the next period, the European Commission and the other EU institutions will take important decisions for Greece. We are entering a new phase. Greece made a clear progress. Thanks to the sacrifices of the Greek citizens the country has a primary surplus. This progress needs to be secured and we need to respond positively to the difficulties, that still exist, in order to bring about growth and jobs. My meeting with the Greek government was an opportunity to hear their views so that we can all work together, in light also of the upcoming visit of the Prime Minister in Brussels."


Last update: 16/09/2013 |  Top