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Agreement on Common Fisheries Policy reform

The Commission together with the Parliament and Council as co-legislators, have reached an agreement on the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy during the final trilogue meeting on Wednesday night.
On this occasion, a press conference has been held by Commissioner Damanaki together with Irish Minister Simon Coveney, MEPs Ulrike Rodust (S&D, DE) and Gabriel Mato Adrover (EPP, ES). 

On the occasion of this agreement, Commissioner Damanaki stated that:

"This is a historical step for all those involved in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors.

We are going to change radically the way we fish in the future.

1. We are paving the way for a sustainable future for our fishermen and our industry.
We are going to do that by bringing fish stocks above sustainable levels. By aligning our fishing opportunities with scientific advice. By stopping discarding, catching fish and throwing it back dead into the sea and by stopping all other wasteful practices.

2. Also we are going to apply the same principles when we are fishing abroad. We will  fully respect international law and our commitments.

3. We are going to stop having all the decision-making taking place in Brussels. Micromanagement will not be the way we operate anymore. We are going for regionalisation, to work together with the regional authorities & stakzholders to find specific and tailor-made solutions for each problem.

4. Lastly, we are going to change our market policy by providing better information for the consumers so our fishermen can get for the fish the price it deserves.
The CFP reform is a powerful driver for growth and jobs, at a time when Europe most needs it.
I am very grateful to both Mrs Rodust and Minister Coveney for their commitment and relentless efforts towards this deal. I also want to thank the Council of Ministers and European Parliament for their open and balanced approach throughout the negotiation process.

The next step, for me, is to take the same proactive attitude towards the implementation of the reforms, to make sure that they are a success for the industry, for our citizens and for Europe's economy."

Last update: 10/11/2014 |  Top