This site has been archived on (2014/11/03)

Reducing plastic marine litter in Mediterranean: a "Fishing for Litter" campaign in France

The pollution of our seas and oceans from marine litter - especially plastic litter - has taken alarming dimensions. If reducing this kind of pollution in the Mediterranean goes through more recycling from plastic waste, we also need to start working to remove the litter that already pollutes our seas.

The launch of the Waste Free Ocean project, will take place on May 20 at Saint Jean Cap Ferrat, Nice. In this pilot project, set up by the European Plastics Converters, an EU-level Trade Association, fishermen are purposely making trips with a specially designed boom to collect surface litter.

Commissioner  for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Maria Damanaki welcomes this joint project of the plastics and fisheries industries and hopes the practice will be extended to other Member States.  Financial support for such initiatives is possible through the European Fisheries Fund.  In April of this year she launched the idea of the Europe wide project in Athens .  

Read more and comment on Commissioner Damanaki's blog: Mermaids' Tears

Last update: 12/11/2014 |  Top