This site has been archived on (2014/11/03)

Maria Damanaki visits the Mediterranean Headquarters of WWF in Rome

On the occasion of her visit, Commissioner Maria Damanaki stated:

"The WWF Mediterranean Programme Office has shown to be an important voice in taking care of getting our act together to preserve one of the most beautiful regions of the world for future generations. To achieve this we need a better cooperation with our Mediterranean partners.

What is our major problem? There is a lack of implementing rules and compliance on the ground.

So, control of the rules will be key and better enforcement tools are under way. But  what we really need is a culture of all of us together that taking care of the Mediterranean is a common responsibility.

I am working on a substantial reform of our policies to ensure a sustainable future for fisheries, based on scientific advise and to ensure a simpler and more regionalised policy. But we need support and public awareness for change to happen."

Last update: 12/11/2014 |  Top