Statistics Explained

Archive:Tutorial:Creating Word document for translation

This Statistics Explained tutorial article has been archived on 26 August 2021.

  • copy the whole content of the English version in markup version
the reason for this use of markup for translation is that the translated article can be copied into Statistics Explained and become a fully functional article without additional editing, if the markup code has been preserved while translating;
  • paste this into a Word document and save this:
  • under the same (English) name as the Statistics Explained article including the year month date of creation (for instance Minimum wage statistics 2011 12 13);
  • normally in the Statistics Explained dedicated part of the O drive: O:\dissemination\Publications\Statistics Explained\Multilingual\20 articles Word version for translation
  • mark all parts which should not be translated (the markup code) in red;
  • add some elements specific for non-English translated articles:
  • article title as level 1 heading on top (to be translated as well);
  • __toc__ just before 'Main statistical findings' to indicate where the table of contents should be positioned (otherwise it appears at the very beginning, just before the level 1 heading);
  • adapt topic/unit assignment (topic=X_Translation, assigned to Dissemination unit) and category (only Category:Statistical article/xx - xx will be replaced with appropriate language code at insertion);
  • box with additional comments, for instance:
Some remarks which might be helpful while translating
  • Translations are to be inserted in the multilingual Eurostat 'Wikipedia' Statistics Explained; we keep the 'markup' code in the text, because if preserved and 'translated around', we can just copy in the translation and have a fully operational web page in 5 minutes, including links in all the right places, without any extra editing. The markup and other parts which should not be translated are in red (but you need not necessarily preserve the red in the translation document, it is just a marker and not essential);
  • Model pages in the different languages are available here: (replace de with other language code, or click language in left column), there you can find the standardised headings, but also 'table', 'graph', 'map', (if you favour an alternative, tell us; any change needs to be done in all existing articles);
  • Existing translated articles can be found in (change extension el to other language code).
  • '&nbsp' is code for 'non breakable space', for instance for keeping together a figure and a percentage sign – please ignore it and similar code like: [ ] | { } (just leave it in);