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State of the Union addresses


In September each year, the President of the European Commission delivers the State of the Union address to the Parliament. The address takes stock of the achievements of the past year and presents the priorities for the year ahead.

The President also sets out how the Commission will address the most pressing challenges the European Union faces and ideas for shaping the future of the EU.

State of the Union 2023

Previous addresses by President von der Leyen

State of the Union Address 2022 by Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission

Main themes: EU support for Ukraine, overcoming the energy crisis, climate, rule of law, democracy, support for European enterprises

BeBe Vio, Paralympic Games Gold Medalist in the European Parliament during the State of the Union Address (SOTEU)

Main themes: COVID-19, global health, vaccination, stronger Europe in the world, European Chips Act, European Defence Union, rule of law and media freedom

State of the Union Address 2020 by Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission

Main themes: COVID-19 pandemic, NextGenerationEU, European Health Union, Industrial Strategy, Europe's Digital Decade, New European Bauhaus