Health-EU Newsletter

Issue 88, 19 April 2012

In this edition


2012 World Health Day: Ageing and health

By Maria Iglesia Gomez, Head of Unit, European Commission, Innovation for Health and Consumers Unit, SANCO 02

With the theme "Good health adds life to years", this year's World Health Day (7 April) seeks to raise awareness of what individuals, industry, civil society and governments can and should do to address the societal challenge of ageing.


The European Commission supports the theme to promote good health throughout life as a means of ensuring that older people can lead productive and active lives.


Unprecedented decline in fertility, together with significant improvements in longevity, have shifted the European population structure. By 2060, the population aged +65 will have almost doubled, accompanied by an expected increase of up to 40% in the prevalence of chronic diseases.


An ageing society poses a number of socio-economic challenges, but if managed smartly and effectively, it can also create great opportunities that increase the value of older people.


In shaping a positive approach to ageing, the European Commission places healthy and active ageing at the heart of its policy agenda. Last year it launched the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing, which gathered a wide array of stakeholders who agreed that only through a concerted effort, with full engagement of older adults, we can spur innovative solutions that will benefit older people and industry and provide efficient delivery of care. In the spirit of collaboration, stakeholders have committed to joining and pooling their resources to promote health, prevent chronic disease, foster integrated care and deploy ICT solutions for independent living.


Building synergies and fostering cooperation among partners and across policies at international, EU, and national level will make healthy ageing a reality.

News from the EU

EU agency unveils new campaign for healthy workplaces

On 18 April the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work launched the "Working together for risk prevention" campaign. It encourages organisations and management to actively engage with workforce and their representatives to improve health and safety for all.

EU high level conference on Health Programmes available via webstreaming

It will be possible to follow the conference (3 May in Brussels) directly online. The event will showcase achievements of projects financed by the European Commission in the field of public health.

EU Commissioner John Dalli speaks about the European Patients' Rights Day

A video message from the EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy was released on 18 April. A thematic conference will follow on 15-16 May in Brussels.

EU agency unveils new campaign for healthy workplaces

On 18 April the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work launched the "Working together for risk prevention" campaign. It encourages organisations and management to actively engage with workforce and their representatives to improve health and safety for all.

New Health-EU Portal online

The official EU public health portal has been revamped. Its new design aims at attracting new visitors and at further raising awareness about public health issues.

New Health-EU Portal online

The official EU public health portal has been revamped. Its new design aims at attracting new visitors and at further raising awareness about public health issues.

EU high level conference on Health Programmes available via webstreaming

It will be possible to follow the conference (3 May in Brussels) directly online. The event will showcase achievements of projects financed by the European Commission in the field of public health.

EU Commissioner John Dalli speaks about the European Patients' Rights Day

A video message from the EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy was released on 18 April. A thematic conference will follow on 15-16 May in Brussels.

Scientific opinion on products that resemble foods and appeal to children

EU scientific committees have assessed the potential risks of accidental ingestion of products that resemble foods and appeal to children. A citizens' summary is now available online, together with more detailed information.

Scientific opinion on products that resemble foods and appeal to children

EU scientific committees have assessed the potential risks of accidental ingestion of products that resemble foods and appeal to children. A citizens' summary is now available online, together with more detailed information.

Reporting from across Europe

United Kingdom

The British government's new strategy to combat binge drinking

The crime and violence caused by binge drinking drains hospital resources. The new strategy sets out how the government will attack the problem from every angle.


Romanian Ministry of Health to undertake audit of all emergency units

The Ministry of Health will carry out an extensive nation-wide audit and control action in all 67 emergency units financed from the state budget.

EU Press Releases

EU Commissioner John Dalli delivers a speech on telehealth

The EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy participated in a dinner debate organised by the International Centre for Parliamentary Studies on 27 March in Brussels. His speech focused on solutions that telehealth can bring for better quality healthcare.

EU Commissioner John Dalli delivers a speech on telehealth

The EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy participated in a dinner debate organised by the International Centre for Parliamentary Studies on 27 March in Brussels. His speech focused on solutions that telehealth can bring for better quality healthcare.

Forthcoming Events

European Immunization Week (21–27 April 2012)

The European Immunization Week is organised annually by the WHO Regional Office for Europe. The goal of this seventh edition is to increase vaccination coverage by raising awareness on the importance of immunisation.

Young People and Sexual Health: Integrating and Implementing European Knowledge (Brussels, 15 May 2012)

The Public Policy Exchange is organising a conference on sexual health among young people, gathering EU policy makers and academics. Discussions will be centred on better communication to young people and how to improve prevention of STIs.

Aging Health Workforce – Aging Patients: multiple challenges for hospitals in Europe (Berlin, 11–13 June 2012)

The conference, under the patronage of Commissioner John Dalli, offers discussion on the future organisation of hospital services.

New Publications

EU-wide overview of community-based initiatives to reduce childhood obesity

This report, commissioned by the European Commission, showcases local-level interventions to combat childhood obesity. It includes information on obesity policies and their effectiveness. The report is also intended as a practical toolkit for public health professionals.

EU-wide overview of community-based initiatives to reduce childhood obesity

This report, commissioned by the European Commission, showcases local-level interventions to combat childhood obesity. It includes information on obesity policies and their effectiveness. The report is also intended as a practical toolkit for public health professionals.

Alcohol in the European Union – Consumption, harm and policy approaches

The World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe has published a new report on alcohol consumption, health outcomes and actions to reduce alcohol-related harm across the EU.

Alcohol in the European Union – Consumption, harm and policy approaches

The World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe has published a new report on alcohol consumption, health outcomes and actions to reduce alcohol-related harm across the EU.

Tuberculosis surveillance and monitoring in Europe 2012

This report, a joint publication from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and WHO Regional Office for Europe, analyses data collected in countries throughout the European region. It reports a decrease in tuberculosis incidence. However, drug-resistant tuberculosis is becoming a major concern and there is an urgent need to address this issue.

Tuberculosis surveillance and monitoring in Europe 2012

This report, a joint publication from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and WHO Regional Office for Europe, analyses data collected in countries throughout the European region. It reports a decrease in tuberculosis incidence. However, drug-resistant tuberculosis is becoming a major concern and there is an urgent need to address this issue.


2012 World Health Day: Ageing and health

Activities at EU level

Health-EU – Elderly

European Commission – DG Health and Consumers

Public Health – Ageing

European Commission – DG Health and Consumers

Public Health – Elderly

European Commission – DG Health and Consumers

European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between generations 2012

European Commission

European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing

European Commission – Innovation Union

Ageing Well in the Information Society – Action plan

European Commission – DG Information Society and Media


World Health Day 2012 focus on healthy ageing

The theme of this year's World Health Day on 7 April is healthy ageing. The objective is to encourage age-friendly policies and active ageing.

World Health Day 2012 focus on healthy ageing

The theme of this year's World Health Day on 7 April is healthy ageing. The objective is to encourage age-friendly policies and active ageing.

Video message from EU Commissioner John Dalli on World Health Day

The EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy speaks about ageing and health in a video message prepared for World Health Day.

Video message from EU Commissioner John Dalli on World Health Day

The EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy speaks about ageing and health in a video message prepared for World Health Day.

How to get involved in the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing

At a recent conference in Brussels, over 600 participants were encouraged to build the critical mass for change in health and social care to help Europeans live active and healthy lives as they age. An invitation for commitments and a web-based marketplace for innovative ideas were launched.

How to get involved in the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing

At a recent conference in Brussels, over 600 participants were encouraged to build the critical mass for change in health and social care to help Europeans live active and healthy lives as they age. An invitation for commitments and a web-based marketplace for innovative ideas were launched.

EU Health Prize for journalists – Articles

"Hospitals – Are patients at risk of starving to death?" by Eva Boburkova – national winner 2011 for the Czech Republic

Starvation, malnutrition and associated diseases are the cause of death for up to 5% of patients in European hospitals. Inadequate feeding of patients is a cause for concern at Czech hospitals and healthcare facilities. The elderly are one of the groups at risk.

"When the right hand doesn't know what the left one is doing" by Kasper Krogh and Bjarne Steensbeck – national winners 2011 for Denmark

During a stay in a care home, Henry Hyrpel developed bed sores that were so bad that he had to be admitted to hospital – where he died. According to experts, his case shows that the elderly risk ending up in limbo between care home, GP and hospital, where nobody takes responsibility.

Health Programme Projects

CFR – First European Day of the Brain. Ageing, Stroke and Alzheimer’s Disease – finding innovative solutions

On 18 November 2011, a conference brought stakeholders together to discuss major brain diseases in the societal context. Conference conclusions were presented during the Council of EU Health Ministers in December 2011.

AE FY 2011 – Alzheimer Europe

Azheimer Europe is an EU-wide non-governmental organisation focusing on dementia-related issues. Its main area of work is health promotion.

ALCOVE – ALzheimer COoperative Valuation in Europe

ALCOVE's main objectives are to establish a European network for exchange of knowledge on dementia and to improve data collection and early diagnosis, as well as better care for dementia patients.

Other interesting links

AGE – European Older People's Platform

EURAG – European Federation of Older People

EUGMS – European Union Geriatric Medicine Society

WHO – Ageing

WHO Europe – Healthy ageing

Health-EU. The Public Health Portal of the European Union
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