Health-EU Newsletter

Issue 83, 19 January 2012

In this edition


Measures to better protect citizens from cross-border health threats

by John Ryan, Head of Unit, European Commission, Health Threats, SANCO C3

The European Union has developed capacities to manage health crises and to tackle serious cross-border health threats. However, until now, threats emerging from biological, chemical and environmental events are not addressed in the same way as those from communicable diseases.

The Commission has, therefore, adopted on 8 December 2011 a legal proposal for a Decision on serious cross-border threats to health to provide for a fully co-ordinated response in the event of a crisis. Building on lessons learned with recent crises such as the H1N1 pandemic in 2009 and on existing structures, the measures covered by this proposal include to extend the assessment of risks and the existing co-ordination mechanism for communicable diseases to all types of health threats, and to reinforce the mandate of the Health Security Committee to better co-ordinate measures to fight a health crisis.

The initiative foresees that every Member State coordinates its efforts to develop, strengthen and maintain its national preparedness and response plan, in consultation with other Member States. It provides a basis for joint voluntary purchasing of vaccines and other medical countermeasures. In addition, the initiative establishes means to recognise a European "health emergency situation" for the purpose of making medicines faster available, and enables the Commission to adopt, in very specific emergency situations, emergency cross-border measures.


For more information please visit the dedicated website

News from the EU

Media seminar and Award Ceremony of the EU Health Prize for Journalists 2011

On 31 January 2012, the national finalists will meet in Brussels and the winners of the prize will be announced in the evening.

Media seminar and Award Ceremony of the EU Health Prize for Journalists 2011

On 31 January 2012, the national finalists will meet in Brussels and the winners of the prize will be announced in the evening.

Danish Presidency of the Council of the European Union – Priorities in the field of health

During the Danish Presidency of the Council of the EU, a number of dossiers on health issues will dominate the work of the Council.

Danish Presidency of the Council of the European Union – Priorities in the field of health

During the Danish Presidency of the Council of the EU, a number of dossiers on health issues will dominate the work of the Council.

EAHC holds information sessions on call for proposals

The Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC) will promote several events in 2012 to clarify details of its call for proposals for projects to be financed under the Commission's second Health Programme.

EAHC holds information sessions on call for proposals

The Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC) will promote several events in 2012 to clarify details of its call for proposals for projects to be financed under the Commission's second Health Programme.

Boys and Girls project launches video and photo contest

The project aims to produce a web-series to reach young people and make them aware of public health concerns including nutrition, alcohol, drug abuse and sexual health.

Boys and Girls project launches video and photo contest

The project aims to produce a web-series to reach young people and make them aware of public health concerns including nutrition, alcohol, drug abuse and sexual health.

Reporting from across Europe


New law on medication will benefit patients

The law is based on three main principles: preventing conflicts of interest, transparency in decision-making as well as better training and increased awareness for health professionals and patients.

United Kingdom

Supermeals campaign offers money off healthy ingredients

A campaign to help plan affordable healthier meals has been launched across England.

Forthcoming Events

Opening conference for the Year of Active Ageing (Copenhagen, 18–19 January 2012)

Organised by the Danish EU Presidency, this conference will bring together stakeholders, national and local media, the general public and citizens aged 65+.

Diabesity – A world-wide challenge (Brussels, 9–10 February 2012)

The event, organised by the European Commission, is dedicated to research into the environmental and genetic risk factors for diabetes and obesity in specific populations.

EMA excellence in pharmacovigilance: Clinical trials and post-marketing training course (London, 13–17 February 2012)

This course, offered by the European Medicines Agency, is designed to provide a firm grounding in key aspects of global clinical pre- and post-marketing safety.

New Publications

Global health in 2011: key issues

This publication from WHO presents a selection of major health issues in 2011.

Global health in 2011: key issues

This publication from WHO presents a selection of major health issues in 2011.

Making cities smoke-free

Published by WHO, this paper provides practical information about how a city can become smoke-free.

Making cities smoke-free

Published by WHO, this paper provides practical information about how a city can become smoke-free.

What's New on Health-EU

Safe medicines for the EU

This short video describes the work of the European Commission to ensure the safety and quality of medicines in all EU countries.

Safe medicines for the EU

This short video describes the work of the European Commission to ensure the safety and quality of medicines in all EU countries.


Measures to better protect citizens from cross-border health threats

Activities at EU level

Health-EU - Environmental Health

European Commission - DG Health and Consumers

Health-EU - Biological Risks

European Commission - DG Health and Consumers

Health-EU - Chemical Risks

European Commission - DG Health and Consumers

Public Health – Preparedness and response

European Commission – DG Health and Consumers

ECDC – Preparedness and response

Health Programme Projects

FLURESP – Cost-effectiveness assessment of European influenza human pandemic alert and response strategies

The project aims to redefine human pandemic scenarios at the European level, taking into account lessons from the 2009 pandemic situation in Europe.

QUANDHIP – Quality Assurance Exercises and Networking on the Detection of Highly Infectious Pathogens

The project aims to link and consolidate two existing networks dealing with highly infectious bacteria and viruses.

PHASE – Public Health Adaptation Strategies to Extreme Weather Events

The project provides a framework of tools for preparing for and responding to extreme weather and its environmental consequences, including reducing the health impact.

Health-EU. The Public Health Portal of the European Union
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