Health-EU Newsletter

Issue 79, 10 November 2011

In this edition


International scientific conference on electromagnetic fields and health

Laurent Bontoux, Risk Assessment Unit D5, SCENIHR Management Officer

Can talking on your mobile phone all day or living near a power line or a mobile-phone base station be hazardous to your health? According to a recent Eurobarometer survey, two thirds of Europeans surveyed believe it can... though less than half are concerned by it. The potential health effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) have long been a source of contradictory messages in the media. It is still a controversial issue among scientists, in spite of the millions spent on research – funded from many sources, including the last three EU Framework Programmes for Research.


Despite a recent drop in funding, fresh research results keep appearing in the scientific literature. They require continuous review to make sure that nothing is missed and that health advice at EU level remains accurate and up-to-date. This is a top priority for DG SANCO, whose Public Health Programme has been funding the EFHRAN project to maintain a European Health Risk Assessment Network on EMF Exposure. This network manages periodic updating of the state of knowledge on this issue by the independent Scientific Committee of Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) and is now organising an international scientific conference on EMFs and health, taking place in Brussels on 16 and 17 November. This conference will gather eminent scientists from around the world to discuss the main sources of uncertainty in EMF-and-health research, identify areas where scientific consensus already exists and draw up a strategy to address the remaining knowledge gaps. More information on the conference

News from the EU

Health for Growth - Proposal for the 3rd multi-annual programme 2014-2020

A legislative proposal for a new Health for Growth Programme during the period 2014-2020 has been adopted by the European Commission on 9 November 2011.

Health for Growth - Proposal for the 3rd multi-annual programme 2014-2020

A legislative proposal for a new Health for Growth Programme during the period 2014-2020 has been adopted by the European Commission on 9 November 2011.

Recognition of prescriptions issued in other EU countries

The Commission consults stakeholders to see how the recognition of cross-border prescriptions could be improved.

Recognition of prescriptions issued in other EU countries

The Commission consults stakeholders to see how the recognition of cross-border prescriptions could be improved.

Video on rare diseases launched

A video presenting European initiatives for rare diseases and featuring Commissioner for Health and Consumers, Mr John Dalli, was presented at the Rare Diseases Conference 2011.

Video on rare diseases launched

A video presenting European initiatives for rare diseases and featuring Commissioner for Health and Consumers, Mr John Dalli, was presented at the Rare Diseases Conference 2011.

Health risks from mobile phone radiation – why the experts disagree

Mobile phones and other digital devices are now a big part of modern life – but are they dangerous?

Health risks from mobile phone radiation – why the experts disagree

Mobile phones and other digital devices are now a big part of modern life – but are they dangerous?

Video on patients' rights in cross-border healthcare

This video gives an overview of the EU law that clarifies the right for patients to be treated in another EU country and to be reimbursed for it.

Video on patients' rights in cross-border healthcare

This video gives an overview of the EU law that clarifies the right for patients to be treated in another EU country and to be reimbursed for it.

Reporting from across Europe


Positive living – together and safe!

Campaign for World AIDS Day calls for more tolerance and respect for HIV-positive people.


Launch of "Contraception" campaign

There are many different contraceptives available but standard methods do not always suit women's lifestyles.

United Kingdom

Improved mental health therapies for children

The UK government is investing £32 million in psychological therapies, including talking therapies, for children and young people with mental health problems.


Programme of prevention and cure of diabetes for 2010-2011

In the coming 25 years the number of people suffering from diabetes can double and reach around 10% of the EU population.

EU Press Releases

Innovation Union: agreement on measures to turn ageing into an opportunity

The European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing has adopted priority actions to ensure the average European citizen has two more active and healthy years to live by 2020. Five specific actions will be launched in 2012.

Forthcoming Events

World Diabetes Day (14 November 2011)

World Diabetes Day raises global awareness of diabetes – its escalating rates around the world and how to prevent the illness in most cases.

6th International Conference on Children’s health and the environment (Lodz, Poland 14–16 November 2011)

This conference offers a worldwide platform dealing with children's health problems caused by important environmental factors.

International scientific conference on EMFs and health (Brussels, 16–17 November 2011)

The conference is being organised by the European Commission's Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR).

First WHO European conference on the new European policy for health – Health 2020 (Israel, 28–29 November 2011)

The meeting aims to review and identify ways to establish or consolidate dialogue with stakeholders and all levels of government for Health 2020.

ECDC annual meeting on antimicrobial resistance and healthcare-associated infections (Warsaw, 23-25 November 2011)

The meeting addresses microbiological issues and cross-cutting issues relating to the two networks monitoring these areas.

New Publications

Mental Health Atlas 2011

This atlas represents the latest estimate of global mental health resources available to prevent and treat mental disorders and help protect the human rights of people living with these conditions.

Mental Health Atlas 2011

This atlas represents the latest estimate of global mental health resources available to prevent and treat mental disorders and help protect the human rights of people living with these conditions.


International scientific conference on electromagnetic fields and health

Activities at EU level

Health-EU – Environmental health

European Commission – DG Health and Consumers

Electromagnetic fields

European Commission – DG Health and Consumers

SCENIHR – Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks

European Commission – DG Health and Consumers

EEA – European Environment Agency


Public health and electromagnetic fields: Overview of European Commission activities

This article is an extract from "EMF Spectrum" published by the Scientific Institute for Infrastructure and Communication Services' "EMF and Environment" working group, Germany.

Join the advisory structure of the scientific committees and database of experts

Deadline for applications is 15 November 2011.

Health Programme Projects

EFHRAN – European health risk assessment network on electromagnetic fields exposure

The main objective of this network is to maintain capacity and scientific expertise in the EU for assessing potential risks linked to exposures to electromagnetic fields.

EMFNEAR – Exposure to UMTS electromagnetic fields: study on potential adverse effects on hearing

The project addresses the study of the potential health effects of UMTS phones on hearing in animals and humans.

Other interesting links

ICNIRP – International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection

WHO – Electromagnetic fields (EMFs)

Health-EU. The Public Health Portal of the European Union
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