Health-EU Newsletter

Issue 77, 6 October 2011

In this edition


The European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing: using technology for a better life

By Paola Testori Coggi, Director General for Health and Consumers of the European Commission

The European Innovation Partnership is the European Commission's answer to the challenge of developing innovative ways of improving the quality of life for our ageing population, and enabling people to stay active longer. To this end, our aim is to harness continuously evolving technology for practical applications in people's daily lives. Our ultimate objective is a set of applications that will lead by example.

The Partnership brings together all key players across the health and care sector, including researchers, businesses, policy makers, organizations, and end users who have the knowledge and drive for innovation in three thematic areas:


- care and cure
- prevention, screening and early diagnosis
- independent living and ageing.


In this undertaking, which is an innovation itself, the partners involved offer their capacity to make the Partnership a success. The Steering Group, assembling 33 high level representatives, is the Partnership's governing body. The group is
co-chaired by the Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy and the Commissioner for the Digital Agenda.


The Partnership's primary objectives is to increase by two years, between now and 2020, the average healthy life-span of Europeans and pursue a triple win that will benefit older people, social care systems and EU industry through new markets and business opportunities.


In the European Commission, we are confident that in 2012, which will be the Year of Active Ageing, we will be able to launch the implementation phase of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. It will be the beginning of a new era which will hopefully bring real, practical, innovative solutions to improve our citizens' lives.

News from the EU

Synthesis report on public consultation on the European innovation partnership on active and healthy ageing

This report summarises the main trends and opinions received by the various stakeholders.

European report on preventing elder maltreatment

This report highlights the biological, social, cultural, economic and environmental factors that influence the risk of maltreatment for older people.

European report on preventing elder maltreatment

This report highlights the biological, social, cultural, economic and environmental factors that influence the risk of maltreatment for older people.

Synthesis report on public consultation on the European innovation partnership on active and healthy ageing

This report summarises the main trends and opinions received by the various stakeholders.

Medical devices now covered by Commission's public health website

The new medical devices section of the website offers a vast amount of content on topics such as the regulatory framework, competitiveness, areas of development, and other policies.

Medical devices now covered by Commission's public health website

The new medical devices section of the website offers a vast amount of content on topics such as the regulatory framework, competitiveness, areas of development, and other policies.

EU Statement on the UN Political Declaration on Non-Communicable Diseases

The UN General Assembly adopted a political declaration dealing with prevention and control of non-communicable diseases, and agreed to take coordinated action at global level.

EU Statement on the UN Political Declaration on Non-Communicable Diseases

The UN General Assembly adopted a political declaration dealing with prevention and control of non-communicable diseases, and agreed to take coordinated action at global level.

Reporting from across Europe


No Smoking Be Happy

A three-year anti-smoking campaign, especially (but not exclusively) for young people consisting in six activities. Organized by the Fondazione Umberto Veronesi.


Drinking and drugs awareness campaign

A major 3 - folded campaign has been launched in the French overseas departements - aimed at preventing drug and alcohol abuse amongst young people.

Forthcoming Events

14th European Health Forum (Gastein, 5-8 October 2011)

A platform for discussion for the various stakeholders in the field of public health and healthcare.

World Mental Health Day (10 October 2011)

The Day promotes more open discussion of mental disorders, and investment in prevention and treatment services.

Clarity and Quality: Bringing Cross-Border Healthcare in Europe Closer to Reality (Brussels, 20 October 2011)

This conference will discuss mechanisms for improving the quality and safety of cross-border healthcare and explore solutions for existing reimbursement challenges.

Cluster meeting of projects in the area of rare diseases (Luxembourg, 25 – 26 October 2011)

Results of rare-disease projects and how they improve the lives of sufferers, plus the wider impact of related SANCO policies.

11th European Nutrition Conference (Madrid, 26-29 October 2011)

This conference links up efforts to develop research and education on nutrition science and promote the importance of nutrition for public health in Europe.

New Publications

How to promote active ageing in Europe - EU support to local and regional actors

This brochure provides a wealth of information and ideas to promote active ageing and greater solidarity between generations at local and regional levels across the European Union.

How to promote active ageing in Europe - EU support to local and regional actors

This brochure provides a wealth of information and ideas to promote active ageing and greater solidarity between generations at local and regional levels across the European Union.

European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations 2012: Everyone has a role to play!

This leaflet raises awareness of Active-Ageing Year and mobilise many different organisations in support of its objectives.

European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations 2012: Everyone has a role to play!

This leaflet raises awareness of Active-Ageing Year and mobilise many different organisations in support of its objectives.


Active and Healthy Ageing

Activities at EU level

Health EU – Elderly

European Commission - DG Health and Consumers

Innovation Union - Pilot European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing

European Commission - DG Innovation Union


European Commission - DG Health and Consumers

European year for Active ageing and solidarity between generations 2012

European Commission - DG Employment, Social Affairs and inclusion

Support for ageing well using ICTs

European Commission - DG Information Society

Health Programme Projects

VINTAGE - Good health into older age

The project's aims to build capacity to prevent the harmful use of alcohol amongst older people and to invest in older people’s health and well-being.

MOVE - European Physical Activity Promotion Forum

Intends to identify good practices in cross-cutting community initiatives to promote health-enhancing physical activity in socio-economically disadvantaged areas.

PASEO - Building policy capacities for health promotion through physical activity among sedentary older people

Sets out to improve implementation of programmes for promoting physical activity among sedentary older people by helping build new policy capacities.

Other interesting links

AGE - European Older People's Platform

Alzheimer Europe

EURAG – European Federation of Older People

EFPIA - European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations


EUGMS- European Union Geriatric Medicine Society

WHO - Ageing

WHO - Ageing and life course

WHO - Meeting nutritional needs of older persons

WHO Europe Ageing

Health-EU. The Public Health Portal of the European Union
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