Health-EU Newsletter

Issue 73, 30 June 2011

In this edition


Tackling Cancer in Europe – Open Forum of the European Partnership for Action Against Cancer

Tina Lipušček, National Institute of Public Health, Slovenia

After cardiovascular diseases, cancer is the leading cause of death in Europe and is responsible for 20% of deaths in the World Health Organisation's European region.

To tackle cancer on a European level, the European Partnership for Action Against Cancer (EPAAC) was set up in February 2011. This three-year joint action, co-funded by the EU Health Programme, brings together 37 partners from across Europe in an effort to consolidate knowledge and identify important fields for cancer control in the future.

EPAAC held its first open forum on 14 and 15 June 2011 in Madrid, the first of three high-level conferences that will cast a spotlight on important cancer activities in Europe. This year's open forum marked the beginning of EPAAC and focused on cancer care and research, including important issues such as:

- the need for guidelines for pediatric oncology
- increasing importance of psychosocial health for oncology patients
- nutritional support for patients
- challenges posed by rare cancers
- cancer control and health-policy perspectives
- coordination of funding for European projects
- best practices from EU funded projects
- stakeholder views on EPAAC (patients, industry, EU).

The Open Forum was a great success, bringing together cancer stakeholders from across Europe and inspiring them to begin work on tackling the obstacles ahead. I would like to invite all those who share our vision to follow the work of EPAAC and the Open Forum.

News from the EU

Voluntary donation of tissues and cells

A Commission report shows that nearly all EU countries have provisions in place for citizens to donate tissues and cells without being paid for it.

Voluntary donation of tissues and cells

A Commission report shows that nearly all EU countries have provisions in place for citizens to donate tissues and cells without being paid for it.

Travel safely – carry your health card

Free European Health Insurance Card eases access to medical care in 27 EU countries plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. Always travel with it.

Travel safely – carry your health card

Free European Health Insurance Card eases access to medical care in 27 EU countries plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. Always travel with it.

Europeans put healthy food in research spotlight

Experts believe that healthy food innovation can be driven by science, R&D innovation, individual health awareness and individual risk-benefit analysis.

Europeans put healthy food in research spotlight

Experts believe that healthy food innovation can be driven by science, R&D innovation, individual health awareness and individual risk-benefit analysis.

Reporting from across Europe


Lithuanian Health Programme 2011–2020

The new Lithuanian Health Programme (2011–2020) is based on an analysis of healthcare systems at national and EU level.


"Mother’s milk is never forgotten"

This campaign aims to make the public aware of the benefits of breastfeeding – a fundamentally important practice for the health of the child that is still compatible with the commitments of women today.

EU Press Releases

Commission launches EU-wide campaign against tobacco

"Ex-smokers are unstoppable" is the slogan of the campaign launched by Health and Consumer Policy Commissioner Dalli.

Forthcoming Events

19th European social services conference (Warsaw, 6-8 July 2011)

Organised in partnership with the Polish Presidency of the EU, this year’s conference is titled "Building an Active and Caring Society: Innovation, Participation, Community".

Conference on rights and needs of older patients (Warsaw, 12-13 July 2011)

Current challenges confronting health and welfare systems are well known: demography, sustainability and the shift towards personalised solutions. Where does all this leave older patients and their carers?

Impact of environmental factors on health (Riga, 25-27 July 2011)

The conference is a forum for the dissemination and exchange of information on the diverse aspects of the impact of environmental factors on health across different disciplines.

New Publications

Overcoming cancer with research

This brochure highlights the breakthroughs in the fight against childhood cancer.

Overcoming cancer with research

This brochure highlights the breakthroughs in the fight against childhood cancer.

Inequity in cancer care: a global perspective

This publication focuses on the issue of inequality in cancer care, focusing on access to prevention, screening, palliative and treatment services.

Inequity in cancer care: a global perspective

This publication focuses on the issue of inequality in cancer care, focusing on access to prevention, screening, palliative and treatment services.

What's New on Health-EU

Video: EU fights fake medicines

See the video on the dangers of fake medicines and EU measures taken to guarantee the highest possible level of citizens' health.

Video: EU fights fake medicines

See the video on the dangers of fake medicines and EU measures taken to guarantee the highest possible level of citizens' health.


Open Forum of the European Partnership for Action Against Cancer

Activities at EU level

Health - EU – Cancer

European Commission - DG Health and Consumers

Major and chronic diseases - Cancer

European Commission - DG Health and Consumers

Europe for patients – Cancer

European Commission - DG Health and Consumers


European Commission – DG Research and innovation – Health

Overcoming cancer with research

European Partnership for Action Against Cancer

EU Health Prize for journalists 2010 – Articles

Are we moving towards scaling things down?: by Karin Rondia, Belgium

Should all cancers be treated? The question seemed to be an improper one until recently. But in medicine ideas evolve and even the evidence is sometimes questioned.

Hope conquers fear: by Katarina Malmberg, Finland

Fear of death is a crushing, debilitating feeling. But it can be overcome once you accept the fact that every life is cut short. For Virpi Romppainen, cancer struck at the height of her happiness.

Oncological illness – does it give more than it takes?: by Dalia Vencevičienė, Lithuania

Doctors and psychologists confirm that people who recover from cancer are able to see the real value of life. How is life now viewed by Erika Umbrasaitė, Dalia Bielskytė and Ieva Babilaitė? And what do the experts have to say to people affected by cancer?

Health Programme Projects

ECCG - European cooperation on development and implementation of cancer screening and prevention guidelines

The project aims to develop urgently needed supplements to the current EU guidelines in order to take into account new developments and improve prevention of cervical cancer through HPV vaccination and testing.

EUROSUN - Quantification of sun exposure in Europe and of its effects on health

The project aims to monitor ultraviolet exposure in the European Union and its effects on the incidence of skin cancers and cataracts.

Other interesting links

ECL - European Cancer Leagues

OECI - Organisation of European Cancer Institutes

ECCO - European CanCer Organisation

EORTC - European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer

UICC – Union for International Cancer Control

ECPC - European Cancer Patient Coalition

IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer

European Code Against Cancer

WHO - Cancer

WHO Europe - Cancer

Health-EU. The Public Health Portal of the European Union
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