Health-EU Newsletter

Issue 66, 10 March 2011

In this edition


EU strengthens pharmaceutical legislation to fight "falsified" medicines

Patricia Brunko, Head of Pharmaceuticals Unit C8, Public Health and Risk Assessment, European Commission, Health and Consumers Directorate-General

The production and trade of falsified medicines are a major threat to public health. The term 'falsified' is used to distinguish the issue from intellectual property rights violations, so-called 'counterfeits'.


Falsified medicines are a growing illegal business worldwide. From 2006-2009, the number of fake drugs seized at EU borders (not including drugs representing patent violations) tripled, reaching 7.5m items.


The problem used to be confined to 'lifestyle' medicines. But now, innovative and life-saving medicines (to fight heart disease, for example) are increasingly being falsified. They are also finding their way into the legal supply chain in the EU, meaning that the sale of falsified medicines is not limited to channels such as illegal online sales.


On 16 February, the European Parliament approved a law to fight falsified medicines that introduces harmonised, pan-European safety and control measures. The measures will ensure easier identification of falsified medicines, and tougher verifications and controls inside the EU and at its borders.


New measures include:

- obligatory safety features on medicines' outer packaging
- tougher requirements for control and inspections of plants manufacturing active pharmaceutical ingredients
- stricter record-keeping requirements for wholesale distributors
- stronger rules on inspections
- obligatory reporting by manufacturers and distributors of any suspected falsified medicines.


National governments and the Commission – following consultations with relevant stakeholders – will take the necessary measures to transpose and implement this new legislation.


News from the EU

New Health-EU video on falsified drugs

This video explains the European Parliament vote on new legislation concerning falsified medicines.

New Health-EU video on falsified drugs

This video explains the European Parliament vote on new legislation concerning falsified medicines.

EU Health programme: 2011 Work plan and calls published

The 2011 work plan for the European Union's Health Programme was adopted on 22 February 2011. The work plan presents the funding priorities under the Health Programme for 2011.

EU Health programme: 2011 Work plan and calls published

The 2011 work plan for the European Union's Health Programme was adopted on 22 February 2011. The work plan presents the funding priorities under the Health Programme for 2011.

Keeping harmful medicines off the market

Protecting people from poor-quality, unsafe medicines is a public health priority.

Keeping harmful medicines off the market

Protecting people from poor-quality, unsafe medicines is a public health priority.

European Charter for Health Equity - open for signatures!

You can add your signature to the European Charter for Health Equity until 31 March 2011.

European Charter for Health Equity - open for signatures!

You can add your signature to the European Charter for Health Equity until 31 March 2011.

Reporting from across Europe


Revamped site on chronic diseases in the workplace now covers public sector

This project aims to ensure that persons suffering from cancer, diabetes, HIV AIDS, multiple sclerosis and hepatitis can continue to work in the best possible conditions.


Recommendations and proposed measures for Belgian Plan for Rare Diseases

The plan focuses on integrated, general actions in the areas of healthcare and social policy for patients with rare diseases.

EU Press Releases

Q&A – directive on falsified medicines

Most frequently asked questions on falsified medicines

Q&A – directive on falsified medicines

Most frequently asked questions on falsified medicines

Rare Diseases Day – survey shows strong public support for European cooperation on rare diseases

Eurobarometer survey published reveals widespread support for EU action on rare diseases.

Forthcoming Events

Dementia conference (London, 28 March 2011)

Policy experts will examine how concepts such as outcome-based delivery and integrated services are being implemented and delivered.

4th annual nanotechnology "safety for success dialogue" (Brussels, 29-30 March 2011)

The conference will take stock of the science needed to accurately characterise nanomaterials, reliably assess related hazards and identify appropriate policy measures.

Innovation in healthcare – From research to market (Brussels, 30-31 March 2011)

This conference will bring together key healthcare sector stakeholders to highlight and discuss policy developments needed for research and innovation.

New Publications

New publication issued by International Medical Products Anti-Counterfeiting Taskforce (IMPACT)

The handbook describes the first five years of activity of the International Medical Products Anti-Counterfeiting Taskforce (IMPACT), chaired at the moment by the Italian Medicines Agency.

New publication issued by International Medical Products Anti-Counterfeiting Taskforce (IMPACT)

The handbook describes the first five years of activity of the International Medical Products Anti-Counterfeiting Taskforce (IMPACT), chaired at the moment by the Italian Medicines Agency.

Eurobarometer on European awareness of rare diseases

The report examines Europeans’ awareness and knowledge of rare diseases and their support for policy initiatives actions taken at national and European level.

Eurobarometer on European awareness of rare diseases

The report examines Europeans’ awareness and knowledge of rare diseases and their support for policy initiatives actions taken at national and European level.

What's New on Health-EU

Europe for Patients website – new section on pharmaceuticals

Official information on EU actions to help Europeans be as healthy as possible.

Europe for Patients website – new section on pharmaceuticals

Official information on EU actions to help Europeans be as healthy as possible.


EU strengthens pharmaceutical legislation to fight falsified medicines

Activities at EU level

Health-EU - Medicines and Treatment

European Commission - DG Health and Consumers

Medicinal products for human use

European Commission - DG Health and Consumers

Quality of medicines and the fight against falsified medicines

European Commission - DG Health and Consumers

Europe for patients – Pharmaceuticals

European Commission - DG Health and Consumers

Other interesting links

EMA - European Medicines Agency

EDQM - European Directorate for Quality of Medicines and HealthCare

IMPACT - International Medical Products Anti-Counterfeiting Taskforce

PGEU - Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union

WHO - Medicines

Health-EU. The Public Health Portal of the European Union
This newsletter is available in 22 official languages of the EU:

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