Health-EU Newsletter

Issue 28, 22 January 2009

In this edition


A healthier future means cleaning up the environment

By Génon K. Jensen, Executive Director of the Health & Environment Alliance (HEAL), Belgium

Children suffer most when we ignore pollution. They are more likely than adults to be affected by inhaling car fumes or by living in a damp and mouldy house filled with vapours from carpet glues and plastics.


Dirty air is one of the reasons why one in four children in Europe is allergic and why asthma has become the number one cause of absence from school. Children spend most of their time indoors so improving air quality in homes and schools represents an important measure to prevent respiratory problems in children.


Cleaner indoor air may also help prevent children developing certain chronic conditions in later life. For example, exposure to certain toxic fumes, such as those from insecticide sprays for indoor plants, has been associated with Parkinson's disease and various forms of cancer. Indoor air quality will be one of the issues – together with reducing obesity and injuries – to be discussed at the thematic meeting on healthy environments, which will bring together the 53 countries participating in the pan-European environment and health process.


The meeting is a milestone in preparation for next year’s Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health in Italy. The health community – including health NGOs through HEAL’s representation – has been an equal and active partner. As shown at a WHO meeting last year, the scientific literature on environmental health now needs to inspire practical action. The EU has a driving role to play in the process – by adopting stringent legislation, setting standards and highlighting ambitious policies and best practice for other countries to follow.


HEAL believes that the particular vulnerability of children must be a central priority of current and future legislation – of which the emerging science on the links between health and the environment must be an integral part. HEAL will advocate for these messages, not only within the ministerial process but also with the new Parliament and Commission.





News from the EU

Know your air for health

This website provides citizens with information on national and local air pollution in Europe. It also offers useful links and references on how to find information about action aimed at improving air quality at the national level and in your local area.

Know your air for health

This website provides citizens with information on national and local air pollution in Europe. It also offers useful links and references on how to find information about action aimed at improving air quality at the national level and in your local area.

Study shows good health and growing old disparities in EU

European researchers have found that while life expectancy is increasing in the EU Member States, living longer is not always synonymous with ageing well.

Study shows good health and growing old disparities in EU

European researchers have found that while life expectancy is increasing in the EU Member States, living longer is not always synonymous with ageing well.

Reporting from across Europe


New report on primary care quality assessment

A new report on how Slovenia is making use of available know-how and resources to improve the quality of primary care services, following Slovenia’s pilot testing of the WHO Primary Care Quality Management Tool.


Stockholm County Council prepares for "EU for patients"

The Stockholm County Council has begun preparing the "EU for patients" package. The County Council's mandate is to ensure that its residents have access to healthcare and public transport and to prevent health problems.

EU Press Releases

European Commission welcomes European Parliament's vote on Plant Protection Products Regulation

In a second reading, the European Parliament has adopted a regulation – based on a Commission proposal from 2006 – to replace the current legislation on plant protection products.

Commission welcomes voluntary agreement on safe storage of mercury

The European Commission welcomes a voluntary agreement to ensure the safe storage of surplus mercury from the European chlor-alkali industry, once a ban on exports of the highly toxic metal from the European Union takes effect.

European Commission welcomes European Parliament's vote on Plant Protection Products Regulation

In a second reading, the European Parliament has adopted a regulation – based on a Commission proposal from 2006 – to replace the current legislation on plant protection products.

Commission welcomes voluntary agreement on safe storage of mercury

The European Commission welcomes a voluntary agreement to ensure the safe storage of surplus mercury from the European chlor-alkali industry, once a ban on exports of the highly toxic metal from the European Union takes effect.

Forthcoming Events

World Cancer Day (4 February 2011)

Cancer is a leading cause of death around the world. WHO estimates that 84 million people will die of cancer between 2005 and 2015 without intervention.

International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance (13-16 February 2009)

The conference will bring together the public health community, scientists, health care workers and other leaders in the field of emerging infectious diseases.

New Publications

First Eurobarometer on mental health and children

A new Flash Eurobarometer survey published on the Mental Health and Well-being of Children and Young people examined parents’ perceptions of their child's mental health and well-being in 27 European Countries.

First Eurobarometer on mental health and children

A new Flash Eurobarometer survey published on the Mental Health and Well-being of Children and Young people examined parents’ perceptions of their child's mental health and well-being in 27 European Countries.

Dare to Compare! : Benchmarking Dutch health with the European Community Health Indicators (ECHI)

For the first time, the Dutch public health has been internationally compared based on the ECHI shortlist.

Dare to Compare! : Benchmarking Dutch health with the European Community Health Indicators (ECHI)

For the first time, the Dutch public health has been internationally compared based on the ECHI shortlist.

Annual epidemiological report on communicable diseases in Europe 2008

The report gives an overview of the situation regarding the 49 communicable diseases and health issues for which surveillance is mandatory in the EU and three EEA/EFTA countries.

Annual epidemiological report on communicable diseases in Europe 2008

The report gives an overview of the situation regarding the 49 communicable diseases and health issues for which surveillance is mandatory in the EU and three EEA/EFTA countries.


Thematic meeting on healthy environments

Activities at EU level

Health-EU - Environmental Health

European Commission - DG Health and Consumers

Health-EU - Mobility in Europe

Mobility in Europe

EU Projects

Health and environment

DG Environment - European Environment and Health

Health-EU - Other Non-Communicable Diseases

Other Non-Communicable Diseases


Thematic meeting on Healthy Environments (28-29 January 2009)

Other interesting links

WHO Europe - Occupational health

HEAL - Health & Environment Alliance

Eionet - European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change

OSHA - The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

ENWHP - European Network For Workplace Health Promotion

EPHA - European Public Health Alliance

EFA - European Federation of Allergy and Airway Diseases Patients Association

ELF - European Lung Foundation

Health-EU. The Public Health Portal of the European Union
This newsletter is available in 22 official languages of the EU:

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