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Issue 169, 25 February 2016


Your gateway to trustworthy information on public health

Towards better prevention and management of chronic diseases

by Martin Seychell, Deputy Director General of the  Directorate for Health and Food Safety, European Commission

by Martin Seychell, Deputy Director General of the Directorate for Health and Food Safety, European Commission

The burden of chronic disease is staggering: 86% of all deaths, or 4 million per year, are related to chronic diseases in Europe.

Chronic diseases develop slowly, are long-lasting and often incurable. They have caused great human suffering and placed an enormous burden on health systems as well. 70% to 80% of all healthcare costs in the EU - an estimated €700 billion - are currently spent on chronic diseases. In addition, chronic diseases completely stop many people from being able to work and nearly a quarter of those who do work - 23.5% - suffer from a chronic condition. Disease-related absenteeism, a [...]

In this edition

News from the EU » 
EU Press Releases » 
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Reporting from across Europe » 
EU Health Award for NGOs » 
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Read the full focus of this edition  »

Also in this focus

Health Programme Projects »

CHRODIS-JA - Joint Action addressing chronic diseases and promoting healthy ageing across the life cycle

HASIC - Healthy Ageing Supported by Internet and the Community

EConDA - Economics of Chronic Diseases


News from the EU 

Antimicrobial resistance on the rise in the European Union  »

The latest annual Europe-wide report by European Food Safety Authority and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control again confirms that antimicrobial resistance poses a serious risk to human and animal health. The Commission views AMR as a top priority.

Combining free produce with nutritional info and activities was key to success for 'My healthy family'  »

The external evaluation on the pilot project's methodology also revealed great appreciation of its tools as well as insights on best reaching its target groups - a key determinant for success or failure.

Participate in the EFSA Journal survey!  »

The European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) is launching a user satisfaction survey. It focuses on the usability and functionalities of the existing webpages of its scientific journal and aims at identifying priorities for future development. The survey is open until 10 March 2016.

Public Consultation launched on SCENIHR Preliminary Opinion on Sunbeds  »

This Opinion by the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) focuses on the risks associated with ultraviolet radiation in general and with sunbeds in particular. The public consultation is open through 21 March 2016.

SCENIHR publishes Final Opinion on Tobacco Additives I  »

In this, the first of two Opinions on additives used in tobacco products requested by the Commission, the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks identified 48 single chemicals for the priority list foreseen by the Tobacco Products Directive.

Indicator on patient mobility updated with Eurostat 2013 data (ECHI 75)  »

This is just one of the European Core Health Indicators (ECHI) that are calculated through close cooperation between the Commission and Member States with the aim of creating a comparable health information and knowledge system to monitor health at EU level.

EU Press Releases 

EU launches new European Medical Corps to respond faster to emergencies  »

Through the European Medical Corps, EU Member States and other European countries participating in the system can make medical teams and assets available for rapid deployment before an emergency.

Health Security Committee convened to discuss Zika outbreak developments  »

The European Commission convened an audio meeting of the Health Security Committee to discuss the latest developments of the Zika outbreak, the most recent Rapid Risk Assessment and complementary technical documents prepared by the ECDC.

Reporting from across Europe 

Austria becomes 23rd country to sign the Joint Procurement Agreement  [Austria]  »

Dr Clemens-Martin Auer, Director General of the Austrian Ministry of Health, signed the agreement, which allows the EU and Member States to engage in a joint procurement procedure to purchase medical countermeasures in the face of a serious cross-border threat to health.

Government approves National Action Plan for Alzheimer's  [Czech Republic]  »

The action plan for 2016-2019 aims to improve the quality of life not just for people with Alzheimer's and similar diseases, but also for their caregivers. The plan is intended for all organisations, health providers and social services working in this field.

EU Health Award for NGOs 

Fundación Juan Ciudad  »

Let’s stop Ebola in West Africa

German Doctors e.V  »

Ebola emergency assistance: Disease-control and maintaining medical healthcare in the catchment area of the Serabu Catholic Community Hospital (Sierra Leone)

 More information on the Award


Forthcoming events 

eHealth360° Summit (Budapest, 14 -16 June 2016)  »

Organised by the European Alliance for Innovation, this event offers a 360-degree perspective on mobile and electronic health. Registration is now open for representatives from industry, research and the health fields, and others interested in innovation and health.

In the next issue

Falsified Medicines

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