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Issue 168, 11 February 2016


Your gateway to trustworthy information on public health

"Failing to prepare is preparing to fail"

by John F. Ryan, European Commission Acting Director for Public Health

by John F. Ryan, European Commission Acting Director for Public Health

Two years ago, Decision 1082/2013/EU on serious cross-border threats to health was adopted, with the requirement that a report on its implementation be given to the European Parliament and the Council by November 2015, and every three years after that. 

The first such report, adopted 7 December 2015, outlines both strengths and weaknesses, but in general found that implementing the Decision "had improved health security in the EU and the protection of the Union's citizens from communicable diseases and other biological, chemical and environmental events." 

The Decision requires Member States to [...]

In this edition

News from the EU » 
EU Press Releases » 
Forthcoming events » 
New publications » 
Reporting from across Europe » 
EU Health Award for NGOs » 
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Read the full focus of this edition  »

Also in this focus

Health Programme Projects »

FASTVAC - A generic framework for FAST production and evaluation of emergency VACcines

EpiSouth+ - Network for the Control of Public Health Threats and other bio-security risks in the Mediterranean Region and Balkans

SHIPSAN - The impact on maritime transport of health threats due to biological, chemical and radiological agents, including communicable diseases

AIRSAN - Coordinated action in the aviation sector to control public health threats

REACT – Response to Emerging infectious disease: Assessment and development of Core capacities and Tools

QUANDHIP - Quality Assurance Exercises and Networking on the Detection of Highly Infectious Pathogens

ECHMNET - European Chemical Emergency Network


News from the EU 

European Reference Networks progressing  »

In January 2016, the European Reference Network (ERN) Board of Member States agreed on a strategic paper on the ERN implementation.

Investment Plan - State of play in January 2016  »

On 15 January, the European Investment Bank approved 42 projects from the Investment Plan, four of which related to health.

New policy papers being developed on cancer control  »

The Cancer Control Joint Action (Cancon) partners are developing policy papers on topics ranging from a public health genomics approach in oncology to inequalities in cancer control.

EU Press Releases 

New European Professional Card introduced  »

Health professionals will now find it easier to get their qualifications recognised in another EU country by making use of the new card.

Forthcoming events 

Dutch Presidency High-level Conference on Food Product Improvement (Amsterdam, 22 - 23 February 2016)  »

One aim of this event is to draw up a Roadmap for Action to reduce the amount of salt, saturated fats and sugar in food products.

eHealth360° Summit (Budapest, 14 -16 June 2016)  »

Organised by the European Alliance for Innovation, this event offers a 360-degree perspective on mobile and electronic health. Registration is now open for representatives from industry, research and the health fields, and others interested in innovation and health.

Reporting from across Europe 

First International Forum on Learning Disabilities held 30 January 2016  [Luxembourg]  »

The forum featured first-hand testimonies and discussions about how to make improvements. One idea is to involve ministries of health as well as of education to diagnose children early and get them the support needed to succeed.

Tough new anti-tobacco regulation came into force on 2 February 2016  [Italy]  »

The new regulation makes it illegal to smoke in the car if minors or pregnant women are present, forbids smoking outside of hospitals and cracks down on the on-line sale of tobacco products, among other measures.

EU Health Award for NGOs 

European Federation of Nurses (EFN)  »

European Union health professionals’ perceptions of preparedness for Ebola and infectious diseases of high consequences

Emergency ONG Onlus  »

An intensive care unit for Ebola patients in Sierra Leone

 More information on the Award


In the next issue

Chronic Diseases

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