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Issue 163, 12 November 2015


Your gateway to trustworthy information on public health

European Organ Donation Day pays tribute to donors and raises awareness

by Ana França, National Transplant Coordinator, Portuguese Institute for Blood and Transplantation

by Ana França, National Transplant Coordinator, Portuguese Institute for Blood and Transplantation

Transplantation is one of the greatest medical successes of the 20th century and is often the only effective treatment for terminal organ failure. But it is only possible to save lives through transplantations if there are enough organs to transplant.  In the European Union about 65,000 people were waiting for a transplant in 2014, and, every day 10 of them on average died while waiting.  And yet how many lives might have been saved if more people knew about the great need for organ donations and simply gave their consent to become donors?

The European Commission and the Council of Europe work with Memb [...]

In this edition

News from the EU » 
EU Press Releases » 
EU Health Award for NGOs » 
New publications » 
Reporting from across Europe » 
Forthcoming events » 
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Read the full focus of this edition  »

Also in this focus

Health Programme Projects »

ACCORD - Achieving Comprehensive Coordination in Organ Donation throughout the EU

ODEQUS - Organ Donation European Quality System

FOEDUS - Facilitating exchange of organs donated in EU member states

ELIPSY – European Living Donor Psychosocial Follow-up

MODE - Mutual Organ Donation and transplantation Exchanges

ETPOD - European Training Program on Organ Donation


News from the EU 

European Commission continues to encourage smokers to stub out their last cigarette  »

A digital map of Europe with 9,463 sparklers virtually 'lit' by people who had given up smoking was unveiled in Brussels by Health and Food Safety Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis on October 30th, this year's Day of the Ex-Smoker.

Medicinal products: The Commission welcomes the finalisation of the ICH reform  »

Building on 25-year experience of the preceding International Conference for Harmonisation (ICH), the reforms will transform ICH in a truly global initiative supported by robust and transparent governance mechanisms.

Disruptive Innovation: Launch of public consultation on preliminary opinion  »

Comment online before 16 December 2015 on 'The implications of Disruptive Innovation for health and health care in Europe', published by the Commission's independent Expert Panel on effective ways of investing in health.

EU-funding supports clinical study of phage therapy in serious burn victims  »

An innovative industry-standard clinical trial is evaluating the tolerance and effectiveness of phages in fighting sensitive antibiotic-resistant infections.

International Ebola conference on lessons learnt held in Paris 29 October 2015  »

Organised by the French ministries for Development and Research, the meeting was attended by the European Commission, EU Member States, NGOs and representatives from the USA, WHO and affected countries in Africa. Commissioner Stylianides made the opening remarks.

EU Press Releases 

International taskforce convenes to battle increasing resistance to life-saving drugs  »

The Transatlantic Taskforce on Antimicrobial Resistance met in Luxembourg on 22 - 23 October 2015 to strengthen collaboration in the fight against growing resistance to life-saving antimicrobial drugs.

EU Health Award for NGOs 

NGOs participating in first EU Health Award get spotlight in new column  »

The top three prize winners in the new EU Health Award for NGOs are featured this week, but in subsequent editions, others among the 26 participating NGOs will be honoured here. The 2015 edition focused on NGOs who distinguished themselves in the fight against Ebola.

The Alliance for International Medical Action (ALIMA), 1st prize winner  »

Emergency medical response to the Ebola Virus Disease

Concern Worldwide, 2nd prize winner  »

Safe and Dignified Burials Programme, Freetown, Sierra Leone

Spanish Red Cross, 3rd prize winner  »

West Africa Ebola outbreak relief operation

 More information on the Award


Reporting from across Europe 

UK and China start global fund to tackle drug resistant infections  [United Kingdom]  »

The UK and China will establish the Global Antimicrobial Resistance Research Innovation Fund and encourage further investment to help address one of the biggest problems facing the world of medicine today.

Organ donation phone app – one click can save a life!  [Luxembourg]  »

Iphone and Android users can become organ donors by using the 'Passport of Life' application.

Initiatives for the elderly and people with mental health problems to get more funding  [Denmark]  »

In a new agreement negotiated by the Ministry of Health and the Elderly, 874.3 million Krone from the 2016-2019 reserve grants will be ear-marked to help various groups including elderly people with dementia and people with mental health problems.

Forthcoming events 

Chronic Diseases conference (Vilnius, Lithuania, 24 – 25 November 2015)  »

Partners in the EU Joint Action on Chronic Diseases and promoting healthy ageing across the life-cycle will meet with policy makers and practitioners to discuss the state of health promotion and primary prevention in Europe.

Workshop on Synthetic Biology (Luxembourg, 10 December 2015)  »

Ongoing activities in the EU on synthetic biology will be presented at this event. Register by 23 November 2015.

In the next issue

Investing in health through European Structural and Investment Funds

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