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Issue 161, 22 October 2015


Your gateway to trustworthy information on public health

Showcasing top three initiatives in fight against Ebola

by Vytenis Andriukaitis, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety

by Vytenis Andriukaitis, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety

The Ebola outbreak was the first challenge that I had to deal with when I entered the office almost one year ago. Together with Commissioner Stylianides, I went to the affected countries - Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. We stayed only for a few days but not only we saw but also felt what was going on. I could only imagine what it was to fight this deadly disease on the ground for months and to contain its spread.

The idea of the Health award came shortly after we came back. We wanted to recognise and reward initiatives of NGOs fighting Ebola in the field and promoting higher levels of public health i [...]

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Also in this focus

Health Programme Projects »

EU-funded Ebola research projects – state of play

Project on crisis communication in the area of risk management

Quality Assurance Exercises and Networking on the Detection of Highly Infectious Pathogens


News from the EU 

Specifications for health warnings on cigarette packages adopted on 9 October 2015  »

From 2015 across the EU, health warnings on packages of tobacco products for smoking must include a colour photo, a text on the harmful effects of smoking and smoking cessation information, collectively comprising 65% of the packaging.

Commission funded project strengthens training of health professionals across Europe  »

The aim of this EU initiative is to improve access to and quality of health services for migrant and ethnic minorities in the EU by reviewing, developing, testing and evaluating training in migrant and ethnic minority health for front-line health professionals.

Forthcoming events 

Conference on priorities for a European policy on multimorbidity (Brussels, 27 October 2015)  »

Day of the Ex-Smoker (EU-wide, 30 October 2015)  »

As part of the Commission's Ex-Smokers are Unstoppable initiative, October 30 has been designated as the Day of the Ex-Smoker this year. Ex-Smokers and iCoach users can light a sparkler on a dedicated microsite to mark their own achievement and encourage others to join them in kicking the habit.

Impact assessment on criteria to identify endocrine disruptors (Brussels, 6 November 2015 )  »

This is a technical meeting for Member States, European Parliament members, non-EU countries and stakeholders on the Joint Research Centre methodology for evidence screening of chemicals developed in the context of the Impact Assessment on criteria to identify Endocrine Disruptors.

Workshop on bringing epidemiology to public health security policy (Stockholm, 10 November 2015)  »

In view of the ESCAIDE conference on 11 - 12 November, the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Agency (CHAFEA) is organising this pre-event workshop. Register by 1 November.

European Scientific Conference on Applied Infectious Disease Epidemiology (ESCAIDE) (Stockholm, 11 - 13 November 2015)  »

New publications 

Frequently asked questions on procedural aspects of establishing European Reference Networks  »

European guidelines for quality assurance in cervical cancer screening  »

Reporting from across Europe 

England and Wales ban smoking in cars carrying children under age 18  [United Kingdom]  »

To protect children from the dangers of secondhand smoke, it’s now illegal to smoke in cars and other vehicles with someone under 18 present. It is now also against the law for a driver not to stop someone smoking in these circumstances.

Nordic countries cooperate on mental health issues  [Denmark]  »

On 6 November 2015, the Danish Government and the Nordic Council of Ministers will host the first Nordic psychiatry summit in Copenhagen to reinforce cooperation in the Nordic region and to find solutions for raising the quality of life for those with mental disorders.

In the next issue

Special Edition - Refugee and Migrant Health

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