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Issue 157, 23 July 2015


Your gateway to trustworthy information on public health

New online system cuts red-tape for Health Programme applicants

by Jacques Remacle, Head of Health Unit, Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency

by Jacques Remacle, Head of Health Unit, Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency

The 3rd EU Health Programme was adopted in March 2014, and simultaneously, a completely new online system was introduced to make applying for funding through the Programme easier and the whole procedure - from the submission of applications to the signature of grants for the successful applicants – significantly shorter.

The Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (Chafea) helps implement this Programme for the Commission and thus subsequently launches calls for proposals for projects and operating grants.

In the past, it took three months to evaluate the proposals. Thanks to t [...]

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Health Programme Projects »

Database provides info on projects funded through the Health Programme


News from the EU 

Public consultation open on Preliminary Opinion on Additives used in tobacco products  »

This Opinion, just published by the Commission and its independent Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR), identifies tobacco additives that have carcinogenic, mutagenic properties or that are toxic for reproduction and should be put on the priority list as laid down in the Tobacco Product Directive. Deadline for comments: 6 September 2015.

New EU logo will help consumers make informed choices when buying medicines online  »

Europeans considering buying medicines online should look for the new logo on the pharmacy's or other retailer's website. The logo has a two-step verification process to ensure maximum protection from falsified medicines, which can be not only ineffective but dangerous.

Europe lags behind in health-spending, according to latest statistics from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development  »

Most countries in the EU reported real per capita health spending below the levels of 2009. Outside of Europe, health spending has been growing at around 2.5% per year since 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Civil Society representatives: Call for expressions of interest is open for the European Medicines Agency Management Board  »

The Commission is launching a selection procedure to appoint four Civil Society representatives in the Management Board of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), in London. The deadline for submission of applications is 20 September 2015.

Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) advice with regard to travelling  »

Based on current information, the risk for travellers to countries affected by MERS to acquire MERS-CoV infection is considered low. However, EU citizens travelling to countries with ongoing transmission should practice good hand and food hygiene and avoid contact with sick people.

EU Press Releases 

EU pledges €450 million to Ebola affected countries  »

The pledge to provide further support of the countries most affected by Ebola was announced by Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management and EU Ebola coordinator Christos Stylianides at the UN's International Ebola Recovery Conference in New York.

New publications 

Recruitment and retention of the health workforce  »

This study aims to identify and analyse effective strategies for recruiting and retaining health professionals to serve as inspiration for the development of organisational strategies and human resources policies in Europe.

EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health - 2015 Annual Report  »

This annual report, by the EU Platform composed of key European-level organisations working in nutrition and physical activity, describes activities undertaken in 2014, provides an overview and analysis of individual commitment monitoring reports from 2014 and makes conclusions and recommendations for the next reporting year.

Cardiovascular disease and diabetes: policies for better health and quality of care  »

This online publication is available to institutions with a subscription to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development iLibrary.

European Drug Report 2016: Trends and Development  »

What's happening in drug trends, prevention, treatment and policy? Read the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction annual report for all the facts.

Forthcoming events 

12th AIDS Impact Meeting (Amsterdam, 28 – 31 July 2015)  »

1st Addiction conference (Lisbon, 23 - 24 September 2015)  »

Reporting from across Europe 

Ireland becomes the 21st EU country to sign the Joint Procurement Agreement to procure medical countermeasures  [Ireland]  »

Ireland's Minister of Health Leo Varadkar signed the agreement in the presence of EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Vytenis Andriukaitis and Minister for Health of Latvia as the President of the EPSCO Council Guntis Belēvičs on 19 June 2015.

Italy uses the internet and pop music to reach youth in 2015 campaign against alcohol abuse  [Italy]  »

The Ministry of Health is using two of the best communication tools geared to young people – the internet and music – to deliver an important message about alcohol. In Italy, like Europe as a whole, alcohol abuse is the leading cause of death and disability among people under 30.

Planned reforms in the national healthcare system match EU recommendations  [Bulgaria]  »

Bulgarian Minister of Health Dr Petar Moskov met with delegates from the Commission and the World Bank on 7 July 2015 to discuss ongoing reforms in the healthcare sector in Bulgaria, which match European Commission and World Bank recommendations.

Germany introduces digital health cards for storing medical data  [Germany]  »

From 2018 onwards, if patients wish, their emergency data will be stored on a digital health card. Medication use will also be monitored to ensure patient safety.

In the next issue


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