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Issue 155, 25 June 2015


Your gateway to trustworthy information on public health

As the EU grows, so do our public health responsibilities

by Martin Seychell, Deputy Director General for Health, Directorate General Health and Food Safety, European Commission

by Martin Seychell, Deputy Director General for Health, Directorate General Health and Food Safety, European Commission

Over the last 50 years the European Union has grown from 6 to 28 Member States and the accession process continues today with 5 candidate and 2 potential candidate countries: 500+ million EU citizens with many more knocking on the door.

In DG Health and Food Safety, we work to make Europe a healthier, safer place, where all these citizens can be confident that their health and wellbeing is both promoted and protected and where measures are taken to prevent diseases and increase healthy life years. Healthy populations with equitable access to quality and sustainable healthcare are decisive factors for ec [...]

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Also in this focus

Health Programme Projects »

European Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting

CriCoRM: Crisis Communication in the area of Risk Management

ECHMNET - European Chemical Emergency Network


News from the EU 

Final Opinion on "Synthetic Biology II: Risk assessment methodologies and safety aspects” published  »

This is the second of three scientific Opinions on SynBio published by the European Commission and its non-food Scientific Committees, and it looks at whether existing risk assessment practices for Genetically Modified Organisms are adequate for Synthetic Biology.

Competition among health care providers: Final Opinion adopted  »

The independent Expert Panel, which gives non-binding advice to the Commission on matters related to effective ways of investing in health, adopted a final Opinion on competition in health care and policy options in the EU, including input from the recent public consultation.

Public consultation launched on the Preliminary Opinion on the safety of surgical meshes used in urogynaecological surgery  »

This Opinion looks at the rationale for and risks associated with the use of surgical meshes used for various conditions, how to identify high risk patient groups and further assessment needs. Deadline for contributions: 19 July 2015.

Conference examines endocrine disruptors in the context of Plant Protection Products and the Biocidal Products regulations  »

The 1 June 2015 conference in Brussels was organised by the Commission's Directorate General for Health and Food Safety to discuss the on-going impact assessment on criteria to identify endocrine disruptors and to provide a platform for future exchanges.

Blood donation is both 'noble and necessary', says EU Health and Food Safety Commissioner on World Blood Donor Day  »

"As a blood donor myself and as a former surgeon I know first-hand the importance of having a stock of all blood types for transfusion", said Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis. "Blood donation is life-saving, and a truly noble and compassionate act."

Forthcoming events 

Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Safety Executive Agency announces upcoming National InfoDays  »

InfoDays are organised in the Member States and other countries participating in the Health Programme. See the list for those taking place this summer.

Conference on '50 Years of EU Pharma legislation: Achievements and future perspectives' (Brussels, 28 September 2015)  »

Registration is open through 24 July 2015.

EUPHA 2015 conference - 8th European Public Health Conference (Milan, 14 - 17 October 2015)  »

Conference registration opens on 1 July.

Reporting from across Europe 

Competition encourages innovation in personal medicine applications  [Estonia]  »

Estonia held its first international ideas competition for personal medicine solutions on 13 June in Tartu.

In the next issue

Special Edition - Scientific Committees

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