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Issue 147, 19 February 2015


Your gateway to trustworthy information on public health

Healthy lifestyle for a healthier future in the EU

by Guntis Belēvičs, Minister for Health of the Republic of Latvia

by Guntis Belēvičs, Minister for Health of the Republic of Latvia

Next week, I will have the pleasure of hosting the Conference on healthy lifestyles in Riga, organized under the Latvian Presidency. This event will highlight the importance of healthy diets and physical activity for the health of European citizens, as well as their direct relevance to the performance of the EU economy.

At present, more than half of European adults are overweight or obese. As long as this is the case, heart disease, diabetes and some cancers will continue to be mounting threats to our quality of life, to the sustainability of our health systems and to the vitality of our economy.

In this edition

News from the EU » 
New publications » 
Reporting from across Europe » 
EU Press Releases » 
Forthcoming events » 
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Also in this focus

Health Programme Projects »

HEPCOM - Promoting healthy eating and physical activity in local communities

OPEN - Obesity Prevention through European Network

EYTO - European Youth Tackling Obesity

MOVE - European Physical Activity Promotion Forum

SALUS: A European Network to Follow-Up the reformulation of food, identification and exchange of good practices for SMEs and Consumers

EU Health Prize for Journalists – Articles »

'Sugar - Sweet Poison? ', by Célia Rosa, 2013 finalist from Portugal

'You are what your grandmother used to eat', by Virve Pohjanpalo, 2013 finalist from Finland

'Hello Neighbour!', by Sibylle Hamann, 2013 winner from Austria


News from the EU 

For the first time this year, Ebola again on the rise in three afflicted countries  »

According to WHO, there were 124 new confirmed cases reported in the week to 1 February: 39 in Guinea, 5 in Liberia, and 80 in Sierra Leone. To date, as of 5 February, there have been 22 523 cases of Ebola virus disease related to the outbreak in West Africa, including 8 994 deaths.

New publications 

Fact sheet on Chromium VI in toys  »

Are toys manufactured with chromium VI safe for children? That's the question posed and answered in this easy-to-read summary of the Commission's Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks newly published Opinion on Chromium VI in toys.

Reporting from across Europe 

Smoking in cars set to become illegal  [United Kingdom]  »

Parliament has approved regulations which will make smoking in cars carrying children illegal. The new rules will come into force on 1 October 2015 and people failing to comply could face a £50 fixed penalty notice.

New 'Eat Health and Move' campaign encourages teenagers to adopt healthy habits  [Spain]  »

The Spanish Ministry of Health's Agency for Consumer Affairs, Food Safety and Nutrition launched the upbeat and informative campaign that features audiovisual content, music, advice, recipes, and even a recent online competition.

EU Press Releases 

Ten years of traceability online in Europe to have safer food  »

TRACES – the Commission’s free online system that enhances the safety of the food chain and facilitates trade – celebrates its 10th birthday. TRACES helps ensure that animals, food, feed and plants are traded safely and that the food served on 500 million European plates is safe.

Forthcoming events 

'Rare by Real: Talking Rare Diseases' Rare Disease Day event (Brussels, 24 February, 2015)  »

To mark Rare Disease Day 2015, EURORDIS gives the floor to patient representatives who have influenced policy and decision makers. Vytenis Andriukaitis, EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, gives the opening remark. Participate online!

In the next issue

Active and Healthy Ageing

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