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Issue 146, 5 February 2015


Your gateway to trustworthy information on public health

Towards better health systems: more accessible, effective and resilient

by Maria Iglesia Gomez, Head of Unit “Healthcare systems”, European Commission, DG Health and Food Safety

by Maria Iglesia Gomez, Head of Unit “Healthcare systems”, European Commission, DG Health and Food Safety

What is the most precious asset you own? Some of us are very satisfied with our car, our house, or maybe our boat. But I think that if we stop a little while and we reflect sincerely, we will probably agree that it is health that we value at most: ours and that of our loved ones.

That is why we spend so much money taking care of it. In fact, our governments put in place complex systems to provide us with the best healthcare. In DG SANTE we are committed to continuously improve our health systems.

In a Communication adopted last year, the Commission proposes an agenda to have health systems whic [...]

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Also in this focus

Health Programme Projects »

ICARE4EU - Innovating care for people with multiple chronic conditions in Europe

ACT - Advancing Care Coordination and TeleHealth Deployment Programme

EUCERD - EU Committee of Experts on Rare Diseases

EPF - European Patients' Forum

EU Health Prize for Journalists – Articles »

Europe, by ambulance: article by Elina Heino, 2012 national winner for Finland


News from the EU 

'Not Beyond Us' is theme of 2015 World Cancer Day held on 4 February  »

World Cancer Day provides the opportunity to raise awareness that there is much that can be done at an individual, community and governmental level concerning cancer. By working together, we can prove that finding solutions is not beyond us.

World Cancer Day: how the EU helps fight cancer  »

Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the European Union – a figure that is expected to rise due to the ageing European population. The EU is very active in cancer research and recently published an updated the European Code Against Cancer.

EU reconfirms its commitment to protect children through vaccinations  »

At the 26 - 27 January 2015 conference of the GAVI Vaccine Alliance, EU Commissioner Neven Mimica spoke about EU action and said that the EU has doubled its financial support since the last four-year period, by pledging €200 million for the period 2016-2020.

Newly published joint report on Antimicrobial Resistance is first to include data on humans, animals and food  »

Requested by the Commission, this joint report by the European Medicines Agency, the European Food Safety Authority and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control provides an unprecedented global view of the threat posed by antimicrobial resistance.

Successful European FOOD Programme now implemented in eight Member States  »

The programme, co-funded by DG SANCO, was launched in 2009 to promote healthy eating habits at work and to encourage restaurants to offer healthier meals. Although it has now come to a close, eight Member States have implemented its strategies.

50 year anniversary for PHARMA legislation in the EU  »

2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the introduction of the first EU legislation on human medicines. Council Directive 65/65 adopted on 26 January 1965 introduced clear rules on the authorisation and distribution of medicinal products and some founding principles that are still valid today.

International airports in Ebola-affected countries complying with exit screening procedures  »

The Commission, in partnership with the WHO, organised a review visit last November to the airports of the affected countries to give assurance on the actual compliance with the existing exit screening guidelines, the effectiveness of their design and the level of implementation.

The European Food Safety Authority concludes that there is no consumer health risk from bisphenol A exposure  »

The European Food Safety Authority 's comprehensive re-evaluation of bisphenol A (BPA) exposure and toxicity concludes that BPA poses no health risk to consumers of any age group (including unborn children, infants and adolescents) at current exposure levels.

European Medical Authority launches public consultation on the rules of transparency of the Clinical Trials database  »

The European Medicines Agency is preparing the database in accordance with the new Regulation on Clinical Trials. The public consultation which will contribute to the rules of transparency is open through 18 February 2015.

EU Press Releases 

EU research efforts at front line of fight against Ebola  »

On 18 January, the Commission announced €215 million in funding for eight research projects concerning Ebola. Vaccines and rapid diagnostics tests will be developed, and one project in Guinea is monitoring the ongoing crisis to learn how to best prepare for similar outbreaks in the future.

New publications 

Fact sheet on Chromium VI in toys  »

Are toys manufactured with chromium VI safe for children? That's the question posed and answered in this easy-to-read summary of the Commission's Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks newly published Opinion on Chromium VI in toys.

Fact sheet on Metal-on-Metal hip replacements  »

Hip implants can help restore mobility, but are some of them risky? Read this easy-to-read summary of the Opinion on “The safety of Metal-on-Metal joint replacements with a particular focus on hip implants", by the Commission’s Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks.

Reporting from across Europe 

New regulation in effect since 1 January 2015 aims to detect cancer earlier and save lives  [Poland]  »

This regulation, the 'oncological packet', aims to help speed up cancer diagnosis and treatment to give cancer patients the best chances for total recovery. More information about the oncologic packet can be found on the Polish Health Ministry website.

New 'Houses of Health' make primary health care more accessible and affordable  [Italy]  »

The Lazio Region recently set up these healthcare facilities to respond to people's needs and help them avoid costly hospital visits. People can receive some 15 types of common health services at these locations, including blood tests, echography and radiography.

Forthcoming events 

EU Health Programme Workshop on Chronic Diseases and Healthy Ageing (The Hague, The Netherlands - 12 - 13 February 2015)  »

Results from projects and joint actions co-funded under the 2nd Health Programme will be given and eight Member States will share best practices. The workshop is organised by the Commission, The Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency and the Dutch Health Ministry.

Latvian Presidency Conference "Healthy lifestyles: nutrition and physical activity for children and young people at schools” (Riga, Latvia, 23 – 24 February 2015)  »

This conference, supported by the Public Health Programme, aims to assess and facilitate the implementation of strategic documents on nutrition and physical activity in the EU Member States in order to help reduce childhood obesity and promote healthy lifestyles.

In the next issue

Healthy Environments

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