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Issue 145, 22 January 2015


Your gateway to trustworthy information on public health

Global Health – think global, act local, but what do we do at EU level?

by Andrzej Rys, Director of Health systems and products, DG Sante

by Andrzej Rys, Director of Health systems and products, DG Sante

The 2010 Commission Communication on Global Health stated that global health is about worldwide improvement of health, reduction of disparities, and protection against global health threats; it considered the concept through various lenses including development, trade, security, human rights and governance. What role do EU policies and instruments fit into this paradigm?

The EU is a committed supporter of global health governance and multilateralism and it looks to the WHO for global health leadership. The Commission and the WHO cooperate on a wide range of issues: the EU is in fact the third largest fu [...]

In this edition

News from the EU » 
EU Press Releases » 
Reporting from across Europe » 
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Forthcoming events » 
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Also in this focus

Health Programme Projects »

ECHEMNET - European Chemical Emergency Network

EpiSouth+ - Network for the Control of Public Health Threats and other bio-security risks in the Mediterranean Region and Balkans

SHIPSAN - The impact on maritime transport of health threats due to biological, chemical and radiological agents, including communicable diseases

AIRSAN - Coordinated action in the aviation sector to control public health threats

REACT – Response to Emerging infectious disease: Assessment and development of Core capacities and Tools

QUANDHIP - Quality Assurance Exercises and Networking on the Detection of Highly Infectious Pathogens


News from the EU 

Public consultation launched on the Preliminary Opinion on Synthetic Biology II - Risk assessment methodologies and safety aspects  »

This Opinion examines the implications of likely developments in SynBio on human and animal health and on the environment. It also looks at whether existing EU health and environmental risk assessment practices are adequate for SynBio.

Commission study looks at how patient choices are influenced by availability of information  »

This EC-commissioned study examines how the availability of information affects patients' choices about healthcare in another EU Member State in the context of the Directive adopted in 2011.

EU Press Releases 

Privacy and security needed to boost mobile healthcare  »

According to the results of a public consultation published today by the European Commission, strong privacy and security tools (such as data encryption) are essential to help mHealth (mobile healthcare) flourish in Europe.

Reporting from across Europe 

New eHealth Card required for proof of entitlement for medical and dental services as of 1 January 2015  [Germany]  »

eHealth Cards have been issued to help make health data needed for treatment safely and easily available and to improve the quality of care, strengthen the role of patients and reduce costs. The cards also provide proof of health benefits coverage.

New guide gives tips to parents on how to help children avoid weight problems and obesity  [Italy]  »

Obesity is an important risk factor for health at any age, but it is particularly important for children to maintain a healthy weight in order to avoid the development of diabetes type 2, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and even cancer at a later age.

New publications 

New study on professional development and lifelong learning for EU health professionals  »

This study, funded under the EU Health Programme, comprises a unique mapping and review of continuous professional development and lifelong learning for doctors, nurses, dentists, midwives and pharmacists in the 28 member countries of the EU and EFTA countries.

Executive Summary and final report - Identifying best practice in actions on tobacco smoking to reduce health inequalities  »

Many health risks are more common among lower socio-economic groups, and have been shown to cause considerable health inequalities. This study describes the impact of tobacco control policies on socio-demographic groups in Europe.

Forthcoming events 

Latvian Presidency Conference "Healthy lifestyles: nutrition and physical activity for children and young people at schools” (Riga, 23 – 24 February)  »

This conference, supported by the Public Health Programme, aims to assess and facilitate the implementation of strategic documents on nutrition and physical activity in the EU Member States in order to help reduce childhood obesity and promote healthy lifestyles.

In the next issue

Health Systems

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