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Issue 142, 11 December 2014


Your gateway to trustworthy information on public health

Mental Health: Let's put plans into action

by José Miguel Caldas de Almeidam, Coordinator, Joint Action on Mental Health and Well-being

by José Miguel Caldas de Almeidam, Coordinator, Joint Action on Mental Health and Well-being

The need to include mental health among the first priorities of the public health agenda has been increasingly recognized in Europe over the past decades and has long been a priority of the European Commission.  Over a decade ago, the Commission's Health and Consumers Directorate published a Green Paper on developing an EU strategy on mental health and more recently, in 2008, it launched the European Pact for Mental Health and Well-being, which is now available in 22 languages. 

Building on the work done so far, a Joint Action for Mental Health and Well-being was launched in 2013. It aims at building a [...]

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Also in this focus

Health Programme Projects »

EU Joint Action on Mental Health and Well-being


Euregenas - European Regions Enforcing Actions Against Suicide

PREDI-NU - Preventing Depression and Improving Awareness through Networking in the EU

Special Olympics Europe Eurasia Foundation

EU Health Prize for Journalists – Articles »

'Young, fit, healthy and suffering from dementia', by Els Verweire, 2013 winner from Belgium

'Carel's head', by Henk Blanken, 2013 first prize winner overall and winner from The Netherlands

'The cheapest antidepressant', by Rita Makarész, 2011 second prize winner overall and winner from Hungary


News from the EU 

Call for experts for the risk assessment of cosmetic products open through 11 January, 2015  »

DG Health and Consumers has launched a call for expression of interest to appoint experts who will assist the work of the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS).

Denmark and Lithuania sign Joint Procurement Agreement  »

Danish Deputy Permanent Representative Ole Toft and Lithuanian Minister of Health Rimante Šalaševičiūtė signed the Joint Procurement Agreement to Procure Medical Countermeasures (JPA) on 1 December in Brussels. Read more about the JPA here.

Health Programme contribution to fight against HIV/AIDS  »

See actions funded under the Health Programme to improve HIV and co-infection prevention and treatment in priority regions and priority groups in the EU in this overview by the Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA).

Council conclusions on vaccinations as an effective tool in public health  »

Conclusions drawn at the Employment, Social policy, Health and Consumer affairs Council meeting in Brussels on 1 December 2014, uphold that an evidence-based, cost-effective, safe and efficient immunisation system is an integral part of a well-functioning health system

EU Press Releases 

Europe and Africa agree on €2bn research funding to tackle AIDS, Ebola and other infectious diseases  »

A new partnership between EU and African countries was launched on 2 December 2014 in Cape Town, South Africa, with the aim of developing new and better medicines for infectious diseases like AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, hookworms and Ebola.

New publications 

Health at a Glance: Europe 2014  »

This third edition presents the latest information on health and health systems in 35 European countries. The selection of indicators is largely based on the European Core Health Indicators shortlist, developed by the Commission in co-operation with Member States.

Reporting from across Europe 

Spain urges people to get HIV tests and to use precautions  [Spain]  »

A new campaign reminds people that AIDS is not a thing of the past. Some 130,000 and 160,000 people in Spain are HIV positive and approximately 30% are unaware of it, meaning that they are not benefitting from early treatment and may transmit the infection to others.

Telemedicine Information System to improve health care in rural areas  [Romania]  »

The Romanian Ministry of Health has launched the project 'Improving the quality of care in rural areas by implementing a telemedicine information system', financed through the European Regional Development Fund with contributions from the Romanian Government.

In the next issue

Health at a Glance

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