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Issue 141, 27 November 2014


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HIV/AIDS: 10th Anniversary of the Dublin Declaration is a time for reflection, not for complacency

by Anna Marzec-Bogusławska  M.D., M.P.H.,  Director of The National AIDS Center, Poland

by Anna Marzec-Bogusławska M.D., M.P.H., Director of The National AIDS Center, Poland

What was in the 1980s a death sentence is today – in many cases – a manageable chronic disease. The HIV/AIDS situation has dramatically changed, thanks to political commitment and evidence-based activities and actions, including public awareness campaigns, needle exchange programmes, continued research and improved, comprehensive care. 

Let me highlight that much of the progress made over the past ten years can be credited to the strategies outlined in the Dublin Declaration and to the commitment of the countries which signed it. Following the 2004 Dublin and Vilnius Declarations, the European Commissio [...]

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Also in this focus

Health Programme Projects »

Euro HIV EDAT - Operational knowledge to improve HIV early diagnosis and treatment among vulnerable groups in Europe

Stichting Aids Fonds - STOP AIDS NOW - Soa Aids Nederland

The Correlation Network

SIALON II – Capacity Building in Combining Targeted Prevention with Meaningful HIV Surveillance among MSM

Imp.Ac.T - Improving Access to HIV/TB Testing for marginalized groups


News from the EU 

Call for Expression of Interest for Membership of the Scientific Committee on Occupational Exposure Limits  »

Qualified experts may submit their applications for membership. The deadline is 15 December, 2014.

eHealth Network adopts guidelines on ePrescriptions  »

National health systems are moving towards electronic systems for medical prescriptions. The Commission and EU countries have a common goal to ensure that these electronic prescriptions can be used safely in another Member State.

Rare Disease Expert Group met on 12 - 13 November 2014 in Luxembourg  »

Holding its third meeting, the Expert Group discussed the Implementation Report on the Commission Communication on Rare Diseases and the Council Recommendation of 8 June 2009 on an action in the field of rare diseases, among other topics related to rare diseases.

Call for proposals: 'Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases. Prevention and treatment of lung diseases'  »

The call for tender, issued by the European Commission, is open through 24 February, 2015. Amongst other aspects, proposals relating to research on tobacco products and electronic cigarettes are being sought.

EU Press Releases 

EU boosts anti-Ebola aid after Commissioners' mission to worst-hit countries  »

The EU is continuing to scale up its response to the Ebola epidemic as its Coordinator for the emergency, Commissioner Christos Stylianides together with Vytenis Andriukaitis, Commissioner for Health, return from a four-day mission to the affected countries.

Avian Influenza in The Netherlands and the UK: Commission backs emergency safeguard measures  »

The measures aim at quickly bringing the disease under control and at preventing the spread of the highly pathogenic avian influenza within the affected Member States, to other Member States and to third countries while minimising the disturbance to trade.

The European Union's response to Ebola emergency  »

The EU has been monitoring the spread of Ebola and taken collective action at home and abroad. It has mobilised political, financial and scientific resources to help contain, control, treat and ultimately defeat Ebola. Read an updated factsheet here.

Reporting from across Europe 

Hold the salt! Government aims to lower daily salt consumption  [Croatia]  »

The government has launched a campaign to reduce excessive use of salt: Croatia is the third leading country for salt consumption and the average Croatian uses much more than the daily recommended amount. By 2019, daily salt intake per capita should be reduced to 9 grams.

Forthcoming events 

Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council meeting (Brussels, 1 December 2014)  »

The Council will discuss draft council conclusions on vaccinations, patient safety and quality of care and innovation for the benefit of patients. Also up for discussion will be Ebola and the Council of Europe convention against trafficking in human organs.

European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing – 3rd Conference of Partners (Brussels, 1 December 2014)  »

This high-level stakeholder event focuses on 'Taking stock and focusing on delivery' and will provide state of play and achieved results in the European Innovation Partnership.

Italian Presidential Conference on medical devices (Rome, 18 - 19 December 2014)  »

This conference aims to present the results of the work done under the Italian Presidency semester concerning the two Commission's proposals on the medical devices adopted on 26 September 2012, which are currently under discussion at Council level.

New publications 

Report of the European Commission’s Northern Ireland Task Force 2007-2014  »

The Northern Ireland Task Force was set up within the Commission to examine how Northern Ireland could benefit more from EU policies, and how it could participate more actively in the EU policy process in order to generate greater prosperity.

In the next issue

Mental Health

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