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Issue 136, 18 September 2014


Your gateway to trustworthy information on public health

Solidarity and equality: European-level cooperation on Health Technology Assessment to help pave the way for equal access to health care

By François Houÿez, EURORDIS Treatment Information and Access Director and Health Policy Advisor and Co-chair of the EUnetHTA Stakeholder Forum

By François Houÿez, EURORDIS Treatment Information and Access Director and Health Policy Advisor and Co-chair of the EUnetHTA Stakeholder Forum

European citizens want the best possible health care both now and in the future, and they hope that resources will be allocated according to need, in a fair way, no matter what the economic climate.  The EU, more than any other part of the world, is thriving under the principle of solidarity.

The decision to provide financial coverage for a new health technology is not just an economic one: it is also a matter of ethics. The decision must be widely understood and enforceable. To this end, agencies that evaluate the societal benefit of these technologies agree on common methods and more and more often wo [...]

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Reporting from across Europe » 
EU Press Releases » 
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Also in this focus

Health Programme Projects »

European network for HTA Joint Action 2 (EUnetHTA JA 2)

European Patients' Forum

Adopting Hospital Based Health Technology Assessment



EU Health Prize for Journalists – Articles »

'We do what we want', by Peter Feist, national winner from Luxembourg, 2013

'Printing Bodies', by Marta Palomo de Udaeta, national winner from Spain, 2013


News from the EU 

Increased testing for Ebola Virus Disease to be expected  »

All suspected cases of Ebola in Europe have so far tested negative and the risk of importation to Europe remains low. The ECDC considers that the rapid identification and testing of possible cases is testimony to the high levels of vigilance and preparedness in Europe.

European Centre for Disease Control posts frequent updates on Ebola epidemic  »

The ECDC provides frequent updates on the impact of Ebola and the risk to European public health. The rapid risk assessments are considered by the EU Health Security Committee, which is responsible for coordination of risk management measures.

Online comments welcome concerning newly published SCENIHR preliminary opinion on safety of dental amalgams  »

The Commission and the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks have launched a public consultation on the preliminary opinion on “The safety of dental amalgam and alternative dental restoration materials for patients and users".

Implementation Report on Rare Diseases adopted  »

This report presents an overview of the implementation of EU rare diseases strategy to date and takes stock of achievements and lessons learnt. It also examines the need for further action to improve the lives of patients affected by rare diseases and their families.

Indicators on Expenditures on health care updated  »

The European Core Health Indicators (ECHI) on healthcare expenditures have been updated. Definitions and data collection are in place for over 50 of 88 ECHI indicators that reflect a policy interest as well as a selected set of possibilities in terms of what can be calculated.

Still time to enter the 2014 Health Technology and Telemedicine Competition for Young Innovators (2014 HTComp)  »

The European Telemedicine Conference, organised by UPMC, is hosting the 2014 HTComp. Innovative health IT and telemedicine entrepreneurs and start-ups may send applications until 22 September 2014.

Reporting from across Europe 

Italy announces EU health priorities under its presidency  [Italy]  »

Under its current presidency of the Council of the European Union, Italy plans to focus on women's health, digital health, dementia, antimicrobial resistance, health cooperation in the Mediterranean and the quality, safety and cost of treatment, among other issues.

Three million euros invested in first global Cancer Plan  [Luxembourg]  »

Luxembourg has decided to pool various existing initiatives against cancer into its first ever global campaign in an effort to lower the mortality rate due to cancer, lower the prevalence of cancer and improve cancer care.

Spain holds onto 23-year global record for most organ donors per capita  [Spain]  »

Spain's rate of 35.3 donors per million inhabitants is well above the European average of 19.5 and the American average of 25.8. A total of 14% of all transplants in the EU and 4% of all transplantations globally take place in Spain.

EU Press Releases 

EU announces €140m package in response to Ebola virus outbreak  »

This €140m package takes into account the wider development impact of the crisis, including challenges in providing economic stability, food security, water and sanitation. €38m of the new package is designed to help those governments bolster their health services.

The EU's response to help fight the Ebola outbreak in West Africa  »

The European Commission has reacted to the epidemic from the outset. It is active with humanitarian aid, expertise and international coordination.

Forthcoming events 

Innovation in Ageing Services - Pathways to the Future (Amsterdam, 25 - 26 September 2014)  »

This conference organised by the European Association of Homes and Services for the Ageing brings together researchers, experts, policy makers, service providers, and European networks to share and discuss innovative ideas and showcase good practices.

European Society for Medical Oncology 2014 Congress, (Madrid, 26 - 30 September 2014)  »

'Precision Medicine in Cancer Care’ is this year's theme, and participants can expect a detailed exploration of the practical, political, and financial issues that stand between the ideals and the reality of implementing optimal care for people suffering from cancer.

World Alzheimer's Month (September)  »

Including World Alzheimer's Day on 21 September, this month-long initiative was founded in 2012 in order to enable national and local Alzheimer associations worldwide to extend the reach of their awareness programmes over a longer period of time.

European Telemedicine Conference (Rome, 7 – 8 October 2014)  »

Representatives from healthcare, government, research units and universities will evaluate applications of telemedicine and telecare, assess the sustainability of services and discuss infrastructure, research and telemedicine in general, among other topics.

HTA 2.0 Europe – Teaming Up for Value (Rome, 30 - 31 October)  »

The Health Technology Assessment conference focuses on the latest developments in the interface between science and policy in European healthcare – on HTA, regulation, reimbursement, health policy, and contributing fields of research. See our focus section.

New publications 

Roma Health Report  »

This is the new report on the health status of the Roma population in the EU and on the monitoring of data collection in the area of Roma health in the Member States.

In the next issue

Patient Safety

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