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Issue 135, 4 September 2014


Your gateway to trustworthy information on public health

The European Union fully engaged in global effort to fight Ebola

By Tonio Borg, European Commissioner for Health

By Tonio Borg, European Commissioner for Health

Throughout the summer, the European Commission has been closely working with EU Member States within the Health Security Committee to keep them informed about the latest developments and to coordinate approaches on prevention and preparedness for Ebola. Issues discussed in the Health Security Committee have included medical evacuations, hospital facilities in the EU, advice to travellers, case definition, laboratory cooperation and treatments.

For nine months now the Commission’s Health and Consumers Directorate-General has been closely monitoring the situation in cooperation with the European Centre fo [...]

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Health Programme Projects »

Cost-effectiveness assessment of European influenza human pandemic alert and response strategies

FastVac: A generic framework for fast production and evaluation of emergency vaccines




News from the EU 

First cases of West Nile fever reported in the EU for the 2014 transmission period  »

At time of publication, the mosquito-borne West Nile fever had been reported in Greece and Austria. A map of confirmed cases is updated weekly by the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention.

New Roma Health Report confirms health inequalities  »

The EU-funded report examines existing data on the health of Europe's largest ethnic minority and confirms health inequalities, such as the fact that Roma people have shorter life expectancies. The report also examines how this data from Member States was compiled.

Public consultation on nanomaterials used in medical devices open through 3 October  »

The Commission and the Scientific Committee on Emerging Newly Identified Health Risks have launched a public consultation on the Preliminary opinion ‘Guidance on the Determination of Potential Health Effects of Nanomaterials Used in Medical Devices’.

Public consultation launched on the preliminary opinion on chromium VI in toys  »

The aim of the opinion is to consider whether a revision of the migration limits for chromium VI in toys or components of toys is necessary in view of new available evidence. The public consultation is open through 28 September.

Public consultation opened to help outline EU agenda on patient safety and care  »

The European Commission and the Expert Panel on Effective Ways of Investing in Health have launched a public consultation on the preliminary opinion on the ‘Future EU Agenda on quality of health care with a special emphasis on patient safety’, open through 21 September.

European Public Health Alliance annual conference examines EU public health priorities  »

High level participants from the Commission, the WHO and national governments meet this week in Brussels to discuss EU public health priorities for the next five years, just as the new business terms commence for the newly elected European Commission and Parliament.

Expert Panel on investing in Health adopts the final opinion on the Definition of primary care  »

The opinion on the Definition of primary care (with a special emphasis on referral and financing systems) was adopted at the Expert Panel's plenary meeting in July. The opinion was open for comments for eight weeks.

Call for tender concerning tools for the assessment of European Reference Networks  »

The call for tender can be found on the website of the Consumers, Health and Foods Executive Agency of the Commission (CHAFEA) and is open until the deadline of 12 September 2014.

Forthcoming events 

Innovation in Ageing Services - Pathways to the Future (Amsterdam, 25 - 26 September 2014)  »

This conference organised by the European Association of Homes and Services for the Ageing brings together researchers, experts, policy makers, service providers, and European networks to share and discuss innovative ideas and showcase good practices.

European Society for Medical Oncology 2014 Congress, (Madrid, 26 - 30 September 2014)  »

'Precision Medicine in Cancer Care’ is this year's theme, and participants can expect a detailed exploration of the practical, political, and financial issues that stand between the ideals and the reality of implementing optimal care for people suffering from cancer.

Reporting from across Europe 

Case of West Nile infection detected through blood donation screening  [Austria]  »

Following confirmed cases of West Nile fever reported in Greece, Russia, Serbia, Bosnia, Herzegovina and Israel, Austria imposed blood donation screenings, which resulted in the detection of the mosquito-borne illness in Austria.

Ministry of Health gives green light to creation of hospital foundations  [France]  »

France will now permit hospitals to establish foundations to collect and manage donations and other funds to be used for research and development. The move is expected to boost research, help patients have access to the latest innovations and create jobs.

Summer fair showcases healthy lifestyle tips  [Lithuania]  »

Public healthcare professionals brought healthy recipes and tips for healthy lifestyles to a popular late August fair in Trakai.

Public consultation launched on new standards for nursing homes and residential care  [Ireland]  »

The current Standards were first introduced in 2009 and will be revised in order to help guarantee the highest quality care possible. Care providers and nursing home residents and their family members are invited to provide feedback on care and services.

EU Press Releases 

Spreading information on the risks of drug use: a European challenge  »

A new Eurobarometer survey shows that young Europeans are less informed about the effects and risks of drugs than just a few years ago, which is worrying when more of them seem to be using 'legal highs' than ever before. The EU is funding numerous awareness projects.

Mind over matter: EU researchers use brainpower to get moving  »

EU-funded projects such as Tools for Brain-Computer Interaction are working on technologies that could help people with physical disabilities to regain control over their limbs or to perform other functions like operating their computers handsfree, using just brain power.

EU-funded tool to help our brains deal with big data  »

EU researchers are developing an interactive system which not only presents data the way you like it, but also changes the presentation constantly in order to prevent brain overload.

World Humanitarian Day: WHO calls for protection of health workers in conflicts, disasters  »

On World Humanitarian Day, 19 August, the WHO called for an end to the targeting of health workers in conflicts and other humanitarian crises. The WHO drew attention to recent attacks on health-care workers, hospitals, clinics and ambulances in crisis areas.

New publications 

Clinical Trials Partnership Programme publishes interactive annual report  »

European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership Programme's interactive Annual Report 2013 gives an overview of all of the programme's projects that began before 31 December 2013.

2013 Report on the Rapid Alert system for Human Tissues and Cells  »

This report summarises the system's activities in 2013. The system provides Member States Competent Authorities for Tissues and Cells and the Commission with a way to exchange info whenever health risks associated with cross-border tissue and cell transfers arise.

2014 Report on the State of the Art of Rare Disease Activities in Europe  »

'Part I – Overview of Rare Disease Activities in Europe' of this report has just been published. The report provides an informative overview of rare disease activities at EU and Member State level in the field of rare diseases and orphan medicinal products up to the end of 2013.

In the next issue

Health Technology Assessment

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