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Issue 134, 17 July 2014


Your gateway to trustworthy information on public health

We are now members of a fully-equipped gym: let's put those new machines to work!

By Ursula O'Dwyer, Health Promotion Policy Adviser, Health Promotion Policy, Department of Health Ireland

By Ursula O'Dwyer, Health Promotion Policy Adviser, Health Promotion Policy, Department of Health Ireland

We have reason to celebrate and we warmly welcome the 20 June Council Conclusions on Nutrition and Physical Activity as a sign that we are getting increasingly serious about an increasingly serious problem: more than half of European adults are overweight or obese, children are dangerously overtaking their parents and too many elderly suffer from malnutrition.

It is indisputable that unhealthy lifestyles have major impacts on the lives of citizens, on national healthcare budgets and on European competitiveness, so there can be no doubt that the problem deserves not only our full attention, but our full [...]

In this edition

News from the EU » 
Forthcoming events » 
Reporting from across Europe » 
EU Press Releases » 
New publications » 
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Read the full focus of this edition  »

Also in this focus

Health Programme Projects »

HEPCOM - Promoting healthy eating and physical activity in local communities

OPEN - Obesity Prevention through European Network

EYTO - European Youth Tackling Obesity

MOVE - European Physical Activity Promotion Forum

SALUS: A European Network to Follow-Up the reformulation of food, identification and exchange of good practices for SMEs and Consumers

EU Health Prize for Journalists – Articles »

'Sugar - Sweet Poison? ', by Célia Rosa, 2013 finalist from Portugal

'You are what your grandmother used to eat', by Virve Pohjanpalo, 2013 finalist from Finland

'Klemen sacrificed a thousand euros and his health for a sculpted body', by Marja Milič, 2013 finalist from Slovenia

'The cheapest antidepressant', by Rita Makarész, 2011 finalist from Hungary and 2nd Prize winner overall


News from the EU 

EU committed to tackling the HIV resurgence in Europe  »

The EU is contributing to reinforced prevention and care in response to a resurgence of the HIV epidemic in Europe. Read the presentations from the recent Media Cluster Meeting on HIV in Athens.

Europe setting priorities for preventing frailty in old age  »

The European Commission's initiative, the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing, strives to identify actions to prevent frailty in old age. Priorities were examined at a recent conference, in numerous presentations accessible here.

New video released: "Working together for longer healthier lives"  »

This video promotes the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing which brings together organisations involved in active ageing all over Europe – public authorities, associations, industry, NGOs, patient organisations and citizens.

Health Commissioner Tonio Borg addresses UN General Assembly on non-communicable diseases  »

The Commissioner spoke at the UN General Assembly High Level Meeting on the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases in New York, reaffirming the EU's commitment to preventing and controlling non-communicable diseases.

Call for expressions of interest as Commission appointees to the European Commission Expert Group on Cancer Control open till 20 July  »

The call for expressions of interest is open to groups in the field of cancer, including product producers, service providers, patients organisations and European professional associations, scientific societies and associations in cancer prevention.

Forthcoming events 

Building Healthy Global Food Systems - A New imperative for Public Health (Oxford, 8 - 9 September 2014)  »

Participants will look at diet-related ill health, determine the impact existing global food systems have on health, and explore policies that could promote health and well-being and support global food systems which are environmentally, culturally and socially sustainable.

Info Day for the Better Training for Safer Food Initiative (Brussels, 9 September 2014)  »

'Better Training for Safer Food' is a Commission initiative aimed at organising an EU training strategy in the areas of food law, feed law, animal health and animal welfare rules, as well as plant health rules.

HTA 2.0 Europe – Teaming Up for Value (Rome, 30 - 31 October, 2014)  »

Join 600 participants from all sectors relevant to health including policymakers, academia, technology assessors, industry, and civil society at this conference to discuss key achievements in the European cooperation on Health Technology Assessment (HTA).

Reporting from across Europe 

French Health Minister launches public database on health industries and health professionals  [France]  »

Health Minister Marisol Touraine recently launched the new site, managed by the French government, which gives every citizen access to information about health industries, health professionals, and the relationship between the two groups.

EU Press Releases 

Bisphenol A (BPA) strictly limited in toys  »

Striving continually to improve the safety of toys, the European Commission has decided to set a strict limit of 0.1 mg/l (migration limit) in toys for children up to the age of 3 years and in any toys intended to be placed in the mouth.

International Day against Drug Abuse: new study shows increasing use of 'legal highs' among young Europeans  »

On the occasion of the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, the Commission renewed its commitment to protect young people from the dangers of 'legal highs'. An increasing number of young people in the EU are substance-abusers.

New surge of Ebola cases in West Africa: European Union increases its emergency funding  »

The European Commission is allocating an additional €500 000 to enhance interventions aimed at curbing the worsening Ebola epidemic in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. This brings the total of Commission aid to €1.9 million.

New publications 

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Annual Report of the Director 2013 is published  »

This annual report provides a good overview of the Centre’s accomplishments of the previous year and a summary of the Centre’s financial and administrative operations.

Factsheet on the newly published European Core Health Indicators  »

The European Core Health Indicators (ECHI) give a broad picture of the state of health and health care in the European Union. They provide references for EU Member States, EFTA countries, candidate countries and other European countries.

In the next issue

Health and International

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